Nodejs or flash solution for streaming live video!


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Hello, I have posted several messages on the subject but I have not yet achieved a definitive solution, I need to do streaming live video and that the player that will stream runs on any browser (possibly Html5), already tried Webrtc and works well, but only runs on Chrome and firefox, nothing from internet explorer...Now I’m trying to use the Nodejs and everything works well in my local Node (localhost/ but when I send the data to the server no connect on my ip, I use the Vivo Internet in SP and they release 2 ports to 51005 and the 14330, with 51005 when I connect I get error 401 - Not authorized, and the 14330 the problem is that appears the message "not implemented" when I connect in the browser, this port 14330 I read that is only for torrent access and does not connect servers, now I’m looking for a solution that runs on 3 browsers (ie, Chrome and firefox) or some way to run nodejs on Vivo Internet!!!

Someone ???

I accept a suggestion in Flash (action script) too, found nothing about streaming video in flash...

  • As for streaming in Fash, despite the open solutions, it seems to me that the most "professional" websites (with money) use Adobe’s own solution (of course!!) | Still has (I don’t know, but it can be a good service) | Html5 is a complicated issue, Micro$oft makes billions and only now solved get started to support the basics of HTML5. The solution for IE is to use Flash even, I think... but you can leave it with Webrtc since it funnels well and forces users to use a supported browser.

2 answers


Like everything in life, it’s a matter of choice.

If you really want to support IE, it is no use to use Node, after all your problem is not in the backend but in the front.

In a very short response, the only way to handle the situation is by using Flash + some media server. It could be Red5 or AMS.

My suggestion is to take a look here: which is probably the best service you can have for a reasonable price.


If you need to expose on the internet a service that runs on a machine of your local network, I suggest using something like the

"Pagekite makes local websites or SSH Servers publicly accessible in Mere Seconds, and Works with any computer and any Internet Connection. It’s also 100% Open Source."

Simple as that:

$ curl -s |sudo bash
$ 80 

Access from anywhere =)

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