Error when inserting highlighted image and in Wordpress media


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I am trying to insert images in wordpress media, and highlighted images, however, regardless if the file is too small or too large, while loading, returns me an error message "Error sending. Try it later on." What should I do to solve this?

It’s running on a Dream Host server. Note: I have another Wordpress site in this same domain, and the same accepts images normally.

  • Try to better describe the features of your project. Running in local environment? in production? which operating system? Which version of Wordpress? Which version of PHP? Which server?

  • Dreamhost Server. Latest stable version of PHP. Linux.

  • I own another installation of Wordpress, and the same did not give me any problem...

  • the error happened suddenly? was normal and got bad? you installed some plugin recently?

  • No, it is since I uploaded the theme to wordpress. I started developing it a few days ago

  • If you use the default theme for example, don’t you have this problem? the upload usually occurs? Are you sure this theme was developed for the same version of WP that you are using?

  • Using the standard themes, I can even see what has already been inserted in the media but was not visible to me when I had my theme developed.

  • check that your "functions.php" file contains the following line add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );

  • Had entered this code: <?php /* HIGHLIGHTED IMAGE IN POSTS*/ add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' ); set_post_thumbnail_size( 120, 120 ); ?>

  • definitely, the problem is in your theme, you need to investigate the server error log to see if you find any clues.

  • I just took a test and deleted my Functions file and now it worked. However, my file only contained 1 line of code, which was this highlighted Image.. What do you think should be?

  • Did you delete functions.php and upload the highlighted image? or you created another functions.php and added again the highlighted image line? What version of your wordpress?

  • Wordpress Version 4.4. I deleted the functions file and managed to send images to the media. I recollected the Functions file with only the code you informed me, and now just returns me error.

  • 1

    What error? the same? try to remove the closing tag from php "? >" it is not necessary. It may be a conflict. Try copying the functions.php file from another theme and adding it to your own. Which text editor are you using? Any IDE? See if she is saving the file in utf-8 format.

  • I managed to solve my problem. I thank you for the idea of informing the file to be of type utf-8!

  • 1

    Yay! Success there boy!

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1 answer


To those who found problems in Function file, I found the solution to my problem by forcing at first my file to tag I believe that some character has prevented wordpress to perform the reading of this file, thus barring me at the time of insertion or visualization of files in the media.

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