Increment Viewbag in . cshtml


Viewed 88 times


I need to step up my ViewBag on my page .cshtml, to my PartialView in my Controller I start her off: ViewBag.count = 0

On my page .cshtml need to increase: example:

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
     ViewBag.count = i;
     Html.Partial("EditorTemplates/Endereco", Model.Enderecos[@i]);

mine PartialView:

<div id="[email protected]"></div>

following error occurs:

O índice estava fora do intervalo. Ele deve ser não-negativo e menor que o tamanho da coleção
  • 1

    I guess I’d have to put @ before FOR... SOMETHING LIKE @{ for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ Viewbag.Count = i } }

  • @Paulohdsousa I will implement more the question, thank you for answering

  • worked what I said? @Furlan

  • @Paulohdsousa another error occurred

  • So, it turns out that within Model.Addresses[] the amount of elements is smaller than being passed in I, Another point... Pass like this -> Model.Addresses[i]);

  • 4

    uses foreach my dear!

  • 1

    I find it much better adica from @Rboschini

  • @How would Rboschini be wearing foreach ?

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2 answers


Business logic in View is a lousy practice, especially because ViewBag is an auxiliary object to carry values from Controller to the View.

If you really need variables in View, use normal . NET variables in your logic. If you need to pass data from a View for a Partialview, must do for Viewmodels, and not by ViewBag.

This excerpt can be perfectly written as follows:

@for (var enderecoObjeto in Model.Enderecos.Select((endereco, i) => new {endereco, i}))
     @Html.Partial("EditorTemplates/Endereco", enderecoObjeto);

To Partial may have @model dynamic or you can type the object with the i using Viewmodel.

  • Dude, can I propose codes like this to the guys who ask? I usually concert code errors even when it could be made 100x better, I can do it then right? @Cigano Morrison Mendez

  • 1

    You can even fix it, but the code is bad even in its formulation. There’s not much to do.

  • 1

    I’m kind of into changing someone else’s code, but thanks for the info. @Cigano Morrison Mendez


I managed to do so:

on my controller, I started my viewbag:

ViewBag.count = 0;

in the view:

@foreach (var telefone in Model.Telefones)
    @Html.Partial("Telefone", telefone)
  • Edit your question with this data, do not post an answer.

  • 1

    @Rboschini By the incredible that it seems, this is really the answer to his problem.

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