Tutorial data Binding as Angularjs


Viewed 71 times


Good night,

I wanted to deepen my knowledge of javascript by understanding the inner workings of some frameworks.

There’s something I can’t find, like Angularjs and Vuejs do Data Binding in the view.


//.. Blah
$scope.name = "Mariana";



Since I imagine the answer is a little long, if someone could point me to a place that explains how this effect is achieved, I would be very grateful.

Thank you in advance to all.

1 answer


Good evening. Your question is quite interesting and I have created a certain interest in this problem. After some researches I listed some articles (I hope you understand a little English :) that can help in understanding this majestic work that is Angularjs.

For starters what you will see in common in all sources are the methods $apply() and $digest() that are being explained here.

Other questions, articles, examples and explanations are here: (this is what I found)

I know it’s a huge mess, but for starters, this could work. In the angular documentation itself there are several graphic models representing the loops referring to the dynamic changes in the DOM.

Good luck!

  • Good Samir, I really appreciate the help. I work in software engineering and before starting some more serious work that requires some technology, I like to learn even how it works internally, can’t imagine the help you’ve given me right now. Thank you.

  • I’m quite happy to have helped. Your doubt made me look for something that also interests me, so thank you also :) .

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