Rounding Up - C#


Viewed 1,167 times


I use a program to correct my stock of the tax file sped that I send to revenue. But I’m in trouble because unit products are coming out with broken value.

Example below, the product had (50) units after q I pass the program it gets broken value (13,089) I wanted to round up (note that I am dividing by 3,82)

|H010|7506195153574|UN|50|5,93|296,5|0|||001|296,5| (original)

|H010|7506195153574|UN|13,089|5,93|77,62|0|||001|296,5| (alterado)

my code:

string[] strArray = File.ReadAllLines(@"original.txt");
StreamWriter writer = File.AppendText(@"alterado.txt");
foreach (string str in strArray)
    string[] strArray2 = str.Split(new char[] { '|' });
    if (strArray2[1] == "H010")
        strArray2[4] = Math.Round((decimal)((Convert.ToDecimal(strArray2[4]) / 382M) * 100M),3).ToString();
        string str2 = string.Join("|", strArray2);

Just warning I am studying C# for a little while and I will start my course only next year, I’m managing with tutorial on the net, but I don’t understand anything in the logical part. :( :(

  • I don’t understand what the problem is. What you show in the changed, is all wrong, is this?

1 answer


Use Math.Ceiling instead of Math.Round:

strArray2[4] = Math.Ceiling(Convert.ToDecimal(strArray2[4]) / 382M * 100M).ToString();

Ceiling always round up. Round rounded up only if the decimal part is greater than 0.5.

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