We have a mvc3/dotnet4 project, which consumes DCOM servers (c++) through Intertops.
Both DCOM (c++) and mvc3 (c#) servers were compiled with visual studio 2013.
The projects were migrated to visual studio 2015.
In windows 2012/8 on, everything works perfectly.
But in windows 2008r2 (x64), when trying to load the system done in mvc3 (c#) dotnet4, error occurs:
System.Web.Resources.dll not found.
We could not find the problem, we have updated windows 2008r2 with all updates, was installed the visual c redist 2015, restarted the server, and nothing.
Has anyone been through a similar problem?
Tried copying it manually? Tried installing with Nuget? https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc/3.0.20105.1
– Maniero
I haven’t tried, but I’ll try.
– Hains
Can you tell me why that happened? Before converting the projects to vs2015 worked, including in windows 2008r2, stopped working after they were converted.
– Hains
I don’t know, but it’s likely that there was some version compatibility issue that you didn’t notice. Solved?
– Maniero
Unfortunately it didn’t work.
– Hains
It is strange since this installs this DLL. The problem may be another and this problem is just collateral. But it’s hard to help without seeing the whole situation.
– Maniero