How to get every day of a month using Javascript?


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How to implement an algorithm that lists every day of a given month using Javascript?

Because I have a combobox with the months and I need to popular this combo of days according to the selected month.

  • You’ve done something so far?

  • 2

    What part of the task is causing you difficulty? After extracting what is the month of input, all you need to do is check how many days are this month (depending on the format - in number, string, spelled - it may be easier to store these values in an object) and generate the list that goes from 1 up to that number of days. Unless you are referring to a specific year, which may or may not be leap, etc. Please add more details to the question by clarifying these points and showing what you have tried to do.

1 answer


I implemented something very fast for you to have an idea, from this you can popular your select of Year/Month, the function receives the month and the year. In this example I used the month of December 2015.

window.onload = function() {
    var select = document.getElementById("dias");
    var options = getDiasMes(12, 2015);
    for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
        var opt = options[i];
        var el = document.createElement("option");
        el.textContent = opt;
        el.value = opt;

function getDiasMes(month, year) {

     var date = new Date(year, month, 1);
     var days = [];
     while (date.getMonth() === month) {
        date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1);
     return days;
Dia: <select id="dias"></select>

  • Thanks solved my problem :D

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