Get widget index on Swift


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I’m trying to use the method index to know the index of an object within the array but do not know which parameter(s) to pass.

My code:

/// Struct that define the track model 
struct Track {
  let songID: Int
  let songName: String

  init(songID id: Int, songName name: String) {
    songID = id
    songName = name

/// Struct that define the playlist model 
struct Playlist {
  var tracks = [Track]()

// MARK: - Exemplo
let s = Track(songID: 1, songName: "song1")
let t = Track(songID: 2, songName: "song2")
let u = Track(songID: 2, songName: "song3")
let v = Track(songID: 2, songName: "song4")

var playlist = Playlist.init(tracks: [s, t, u, v])

// se eu passar o objeto t da o seguinte erro: 
// Cannot convert value of type 'Track' to expected argument type '@noescape (Track) throws -> Bool'
if let index = playlist.tracks.indexOf(t){

1 answer


You have to specify which property you want to compare, as in your example the only property with unique value is the name, I used it to compare.

if let index = playlist.tracks.indexOf({$0.songName == t.songName}){

Functional example:

  • 1

    It was worth it ! At some point I had tried something like this that you showed but it didn’t work, but your answer worked 100%

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