What web language is used on websites for effects?


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The only languages considered standard of the web are the HTML (5 is the newest version), CSS (3 is the newest version) and Javascript (Ecmascript 11 is the newest version in 2020). And all pages are or should be made only using them (this is no longer true, you can use other programming languages than JS/ES). This is also the case of the websites cited and can be seen in the source of the page that is always open.

Note that the newer version can not always be used in all browsers.

Be careful not to start learning wrong things. Beware of marketing. Beware of superficiality. Beware of indiscriminate use of frameworks.

Do not use anything that is out of the standard. Take your specific questions here. Take a look at tags of these languages, you have additional information. Follow all links past. Have dedication and commitment.

On the server side that is not the focus of the question can use virtually any programming language, although some make more success. PHP is one of them, but many programmers prefer others, such as C# or Java, just to get the most popular.

  • bjgown but how can I apply the effects so that my websites have a design similar to those of the websites cited?? Thank you :)

  • 1

    To answer that, I have to write a collection of books. Learn and start asking specific questions, very specific, as you encounter difficulties.

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