Failure to connect SVN through Netbeans


Viewed 326 times


It’s been a while since I’ve been able to connect Netbeans to SVN here at my workplace (I’ve been using Netbeans SVN for years and never had a problem).

By entering the SVN server URL, my user and password when Netbeans attempts to connect returns the following error:

   E175002: Connection has been shutdown: 
   handshake alert: unrecognized_name

E175002: OPTIONS request failed on '/pd'

Some details about:

  • I’m using the Svnkit that according to Netbeans itself does not require any prerequisite as everything is already embedded in the IDE;
  • The SVN connection protocol I am using is HTTPS;
  • I’m in version 8.1 of Netbeans and I’ve already tested it on 8.0;
  • In eclipse the connection to the SVN with the same information works;
  • In the browser access the URL and also works with my credentials;
  • I’m on a linux.

Since then I have been looking for the solution in several places but without success.

Who has an idea of what it might be?

  • Does your business use a proxy? Have you seen if netbeans is configured with it? Is it just your machine that has this problem? Check these points..

  • Opa @Alberto, come on: 1-No proxys; 2-tried on another machine and the same error.

  • You tried to access through the browser and it worked?

  • Yes, the browser works.

  • I was able to discover that it was an SVN certificate problem here at my company. The certificate here will be updated and the problem will be solved. However as a temporary solution it is possible to add the boot parameter Djsse.enableSNIExtension=false that works. To help other people who might have the same problem I’ll put the more detailed answer below. Thank you all for your answers.

1 answer


In my specific case the problem was the SVN server certificate that was invalid/outdated.

For those who happen to run into the same problem as me the correct one is to fix the server certificate, but if it is not within your reach this or if you want to make it work until the certificate is corrected do the following steps:

  • Go to the Netbeans installation folder;
  • Enter the folder etc;
  • Open the netbeans.conf file;
  • In this file look for netbeans_default_options which will contain several VM boot parameters;
  • At the end of the parameters before closing the quotes add a space and add the parameter -Djsse.enableSNIExtension=false, but in netbeans these parameters start with -J then it will be as follows: -J-Djsse.enableSNIExtension=false;
  • Save the file and restart Netbeans.

And that’s it, this same parameter can be added to the eclipse (without -J) in eclipse.ini if you have the same SVN certificate problem.

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