Freeaspupload ASP Classic stopped working


Viewed 227 times


At the company where I am working all the systems were built in ASP Classic, and we used Freeaspupload to download files sent through form, but this morning this class stopped working from nothing. Someone’s been through it?

The code I use to pick the form variables is this:

Set Upload = New FreeASPUpload  
uploadsDirVar = server.mappath ("upload\"&id_grupo_segmento)
SaveFiles = ""
ks = Upload.UploadedFiles.keys

id_pessoa = Upload.Form("id_pessoa")
id_pesquisa = Upload.Form("id_pesquisa")
id_grupo_segmento = Upload.Form("id_grupo_segmento")
id_status_contato = Upload.Form("id_status_contato")
id_status_pesquisa = Upload.Form("id_status_pesquisa")

the form uses the ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"

  • Returns some error message, notification, etc?

1 answer


Check that servers with classic ASP applications have received the update KB3104002.

He updated the files VBScript.dll and JSCript.dll, which interject the scripts.

In time: This type of occurrence will happen more and more often, as Microsoft no longer supports the technology. I suggest upgrading to a more modern framework.

  • Thanks lbotinelly, saved my day haha I will talk to management and propose the update

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