Error when connecting SQL server


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Hello, I downloaded SQL Server Express 2014 with tools from Microsoft site. I did the installation but when I will start the error

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Error description:

TITLE: Connect to Server

Cannot connect to willian.


 Erro de rede ou específico à instância ao estabelecer conexão com o SQL     Server. O servidor não foi encontrado ou não estava acessível. Verifique se o nome da instância está correto e se o SQL Server está configurado para permitir conexões remotas. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Não foi possível abrir uma conexão com o SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 2)

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 O sistema não pode encontrar o arquivo especificado



I’ve searched a few places but I can’t find anything that’ll fix it, and I’ve tried reinstalling

  • Is the SQL Server service running? If so, are you sure that the instance is called Willian?

  • Apparently the service is running yes. So how do I check the instance? I never used SQL Server I just installed nothing changed

  • @cartoni I entered the CMD typed SQLCMD -L to discover the instance and only have one even with my name WILLIAN

  • 1

    Open the command prompt and run: SQLCMD -L

  • It’s actually running on your machine, right? If yes, it is all very strange, but you could check if there is something blocking firewall, although I find it difficult, since it comes to localhost.

  • Yes on my machine. Is it the service then? It has to appear something like SQLWILLIAN ?

  • Only the SQLCMD -L having returned the WILLIAN instance is a sign that the service is running. But you can check, go to Task Manager and look for a process that is called sqlservr.exe.

  • It’s there seemingly normal, wow

  • Last tip: exchange WILLIAN for localhost (or your computer name). Furthermore, the most I can help you is to link to this document:

  • Did not change anything, continues the error. But saw I will give a search here. Anyway thanks @cartoni

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1 answer


I solved it as follows:

  1. check that the service is working

    SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) - launch it.

    2nd go to Start menu > Control System > Tools administrative > ODBC data sources

    3rd add a new > select "SQL SERVER"

    4th place your name, description, and server name

    Note: Server name follows a pattern for example in my case WILLIAN SQLEXPRESS

    Computer user name.

    5th Leave authentication with windows 6th Select the first checkbox "master". 7th finish > test data sources > ok > ok

    8th Open SQLSERVER on behalf of the server, open combobox and select what was created and start.

Explanatory video: youtube

  • 1

    So you are using a named instance and so should do WILLIAN SQLEXPRESS.

  • @This Cantoni. Thank you for adding :)

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