My page in maintenance, without being visible to admin


Viewed 522 times


I have now started working on a wordpress site, but my client would like to put a page in fully customized maintenance. I’ve been looking at some plugins but none of them gives me total freedom to do so, to develop the HTML/CSS 100%. I know I can make a redirect but the problem is that I have to develop the site at the same time. What I’m looking for is a solution for other people to see the maintenance page (fully done by me, HTML/CSS, at root' but I, if I am login as admin of the site, I can develop and see the real site

2 answers


Oi, Miguel,

I think what you want to do, exactly this way, is not possible in WP (I may be wrong).

What you can do, which would give a similar result, is:

1) Create a common page there in "Pages >> Add New", Take the header from it and everything else (those options at the bottom of the page editor), and insert everything in text into it, writing all your HTML there, and reference the CSS in "Custom CSS" (that the location depends on the theme). Now you go to "Settings >> Write/Read" (I don’t remember which one, but it’s the 3rd option) and you will select this new page as Home (static page). Ready, when someone accesses http://www.seudominium/ will fall on this page there, that you left no link, cebaçalho, menu or anything. Then to access the ADM panel just add the /wp-admin normally.

2) If (1) does not answer your question, I may have misunderstood and you want to fully personalize page 404. Go to "Appearance >> Editor" and search in a side menu to the right of the page (a list of files) for page 404. Then in the middle space, text editor, the contents of page 404 will appear. You will have a php code with "get_html" or "get_text" ... something like that. Take this out and check it out in HTML. Refer to CSS la in custom CSS.

In both cases, the CSS can be done directly in the style file (.css style or layout.css, depending on the language) in "Appearance >> editor".

In a third way of doing that...

3) You can still do so. Let’s say the client has the domain, you use the WP there and create a directory inside the www (public_html) at the root of the domain, called "building" or anything that remembers that. Then install the WP in this directory there. Then the WP only accessed in "". At the very root, outside the directory, you create an index.html and an index.css just for this maintenance page.

I hope I’ve helped


  • Thank you very much, I think I’ll go with option 1


Go to the Wordpress plugins directory and search for Maintenance Page, is the first plugin that will appear in the results, created by themegrill.

Follow the plugin’s feature list:

Responsive design looks Great on your Devices. Logo Upload Background image/color option Subscriber Feature to Collect emails Download Subscriber list as csv Social icons Font Color option Add title, text message option Option to exclude page Custom CSS Maintenance Page Pro: Counter Contact Form Mailchimp Integration Ip Whitelist Background Slider Background Video Progress Bar Google font option Analytic Code Option Role Based access Font size option About Page

It’s the fastest solution I could find for you. Otherwise, you will have to create a php page with HTML/CSS and play the wordpress hooks inside it, and that I remember, this is a change in the template.

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