How to pass a text as a parameter to a Javascript function?


Viewed 2,187 times


I need to do a Javascript function and I want it to receive the parameters in text format:

HTML code:

<button onClick="AlteraNome(Felipe)">Enviar Nome</button>

Javascript code:

function AlteraNome(nome){

If anyone can help me, I’d appreciate it!

  • I suppose you want to take the value from a input right? Click [Edit] and add your form.

  • 3

    Or if you want to pass a fixed text, you can put it between apostrophes (onClick="AlteraNome('Felipe');")

1 answer


If you are trying to get the name applied to the button in the example of your question, you can do this using document.getElementById("meuBotao").innerText; as follows:

function alteraNome() {
    // procura o id="meuBotao" e substitui o texto dentro dele por - "Outro Nome Aqui"
    document.getElementById("meuBotao").innerText="Outro Nome Aqui";
<button onclick="alteraNome()" id="meuBotao">Altera Nome do Botão</button>

If you’re trying to get a name entered in a input and pass it somewhere else, like another div for example, you can do it this way:

function transfereNome() {
    var input = document.getElementById('enviaNome')
    var div = document.getElementById('mostraNome');
    // diz que o conteúdo dentro do id="mostraNome" é igual ao valor introduzido no input
    div.innerText = input.value;
<input type="text" id="enviaNome"/>
<button onclick="transfereNome()">Enviar Nome</button>
<div id="mostraNome"></div>

  • 2

    Note: These examples do not work in Firefox < 45 (innerText is not supported). You could use textContent, but the same does not work in IE < 9, and does "strange" things with whitespace. See that post (in English) for more details.

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