Is there any way I can put something in the moon script, so that if I press a key, it will respond with some command? If so, how?
Is there any way I can put something in the moon script, so that if I press a key, it will respond with some command? If so, how?
On the platform for creating games called Love 2d
it is possible to do this.
function love.keypressed(key)
print(string.format("você apertou a letra '%s'", key)
Reference: https://love2d.org/wiki/love.keypressed
Browser other questions tagged string lua keyboard script games
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In what context? Certainly has but every place that the script used can be a different way.
– Maniero
Like what does LÖVE do? Give more details of your problem.
– Lucas Lima
I wanted to make a script for Garry’s mod 13, so I’d like it to answer with a key, such as: if crtl Say hello
– João
You have to see the API of this game, it is she who can invoke the script Moon. I don’t even know if the problem is about Moon. As I don’t know the API I can’t help.
– Maniero
To clarify a little what others have already said: Lua is a programming language designed to be embedded in larger projects. What usually happens is that a game like Gary’s mod will implement a lot of basic functions in C and make these functions available for you to use from inside the Moon (because programming in Lua is much easier for Modder than C). The standard Lua library is super lean so anything non-trivial you want will have to be via one of these functions that Gary’s mod added to the Lua environment.
– hugomg