When I execute JObject.Parse
starts an Exception content:
Error Reading Jobject from Jsonreader. Current Jsonreader item is not an Object: Startarray. Path '', line 1, position 1.
The Json I’m trying to play would be:
"modid": "ExtraFood",
"name": "Extra Food",
"version": "1.7.10-0.7.45",
"mcversion": "1.7.10",
"description": "Extra Food by mincrmatt12 and dmf444. This mod will extend the amount of food that is in minecraft. We don't want you to starve yet, and we've added new midgame-lategame content.",
"credits": "Dmf444, Mincrmatt12 and thanks to all those who helped on IRC and MCForge Forums",
"logoFile": "assets/extrafood/EFlogo.png",
"url": "https://github.com/TeamDmfMM/Extra-Food",
"updateUrl": "",
"authorList": ["mincrmatt12", "dmf444"],
"parent": "",
"screenshots": [],
"dependencies": ["mod_MinecraftForge"]
and in the case of
, the same occurs independencies
– FRNathan13