I have several tables T1, T2... TN, each one can have columns in common or not. My final table F, contains all the columns (one time) of the previous ones.
There is how I insert from each without having to explain which columns I am inserting?
For example, let’s say that table T1 has columns A and B. Table F has A, B, C and D.
I’d like something like
insert into F select * FROM T1;
insert into F select A,B,C,D FROM T1;
Okay, thank you. I thought that just as there is natural JOIN, there could be a "natural INSERT" by inserting the columns according to their names.
– mathiasfk
MYSQL Suport a different type of INSERT that uses SYNTAX
INSERT INTO tabela SET campo1 = {expressao}, campo2 ={expressao}...
– Marcos Regis