How to display a modal using the c# and bootstrap button?


Viewed 1,568 times


If you use the <button type="button" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#ConvenioOk">Teste </button> modal opens. But I have to use the C# button due to the event. The button calling the modal is like this<asp:Button ID="btnCadastrarCon" runat="server" data-togggle="modal" data-target="#ConvenioOk" Text="Cadastrar" OnClick="btnCadastrarCon_Click" />

Is there any way to use modal with the Asp button, even without using bootstrap? If yes, you can give examples?

2 answers


You can display your modal from the backend using the ScriptManager:

ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "LaunchServerSide", "$(function() { funcaoQueExibeModal(); });", true);

On your aspx:

function funcaoQueExibeModal() {


certainly, however you will have to build your own modal. That is, intercept the click on the browser, create Javascript / CSS to display the modal. In my opinion it gives more work, but follows an example:

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