What is the second parameter of array_keys for?


Viewed 352 times


I was stirring the sublime text and I came across something I didn’t expect when I went to type the function array_keys

 array_keys(arg, search_value, strict);

I did the test and really the second parameter works.

What is his purpose, after all?

  • 1

    The second parameter wouldn’t work pq? pq is php, vc ta zoando xD?

  • 1

    +1 for the sublime

  • 1

    I used this command last week. And the array_key_exists also.

4 answers


The second parameter returns the index of the positions where a given value is.

For example:

$array = array("teste", "algo", "outra coisa", "teste", "teste");
var_dump(array_keys($array, "teste"));

Will return the following:

array(3) {

Because the name "test" is present in the positions 0, 3 and 4 of the array.

I put a demonstration https://3v4l.org/MWBAi


array_keys(), returns all keys of an array. When second argument is informed it returns all occurrences of that value, it seems to me a version that returns multiple values of array_search().

$arr = array("blue", "red", "green", "blue", "blue");
echo '<pre>';
print_r(array_keys($arr, "blue"));//retorna uma array com 0,3,4

$key = array_search("blue", $arr);
echo "<pre>";
print_r($key);//retorna apenas 0


Serves to filter the indexes that will be returned - According to the documentation



An array containing keys to be returned.


If specified, then only keys containing these values are returned.


In PHP 5, this parameter determines whether the comparison is rigid (==).


From what I understand it returns only the values you specify, serving as well as an even search option, as the name suggests.`


That is, in this example it will only show the results that contain the value "Highlander", Therefore it would serve as a strpos, but already returning the values without having to go through the array.

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