Open Database in format . DB


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I have a database in a file .DB from an old application designed in Delphi.

My client wants to migrate the data to use in a new application, however the old client software was designed in Delphi, my problem is, how do I extract the data from this format?

  • Good afternoon. To perform my TCC I have developed a system for migrating data between relational databases (exports from any database to any database, seeking optimization in the time taken for a migration.), if you are interested please contact me to perform a demonstration. But to solve your problem create an ODBC, do not know which component will use but connect to this odbc and throw the dice where you want.

1 answer


Use that program here, DB Browser for Sqlite.

Including in their demo image is showing a file . db open.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

If you cannot change the file to . txt and open in the notepad, some unencrypted files will have the database template in its first bytes and will be visible in the notepad.

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