Why do my Jquery events stop working after an AJAX request?


Viewed 330 times


I have two buttons that when clicked make the call of a .on('click',function()) but before that an AJAX request is made and after that request they no longer work. Before I did the function to perform the request it worked perfectly. That’s the request:

     url: "teste.php",
     type: 'GET',
     success: function(html){
         var headline = $(html).find('#teste');                                                     

and the button with the .on('click') that’s the one:


2 answers


When the element is inserted in the DOM via javascript it is necessary to inform the selector of the same of it.


$('body').on('click', '.remove-item', function(){alert('teste')});


Because it is a dynamic request (coming from the DOM) it is necessary to inform the class where it is inside, as the example below:

$('.minhaClasse').on('click', '.classeInterna', function() {
    alert('minha classe interna')

Otherwise it will not work, or if you have more than one class, you may get the last class presented. An example with more classes (for example a for):

$('.minhaClasse').on('click', '.classeInterna', function() {
    var minhaImg = $(this).attr('src'); 

Take the path of the image clicked on this example.

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