Most voted "visual-studio-code" questions
Visual Studio Code is a cross-platform code editor (Windows, Linux, and Mac OS) by Microsoft. It supports 5, Javascript, and Node.js with features such as debugging, Intellisense, Syntax Highlight, and git integration. Use this tag for questions related to the editor itself, not applications using that editor
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viewsView project - PHP
I’m starting in PHP language and would like to know how I view my project, since when using localhost the error "404" appears with the message "Not Found". The directory of my file . php is this: C:…
viewsDoubt vscode - ASP.NET
Eae personal, how to create an ASP.NET project, the tutorials I searched use the New Project, but it is not appearing this option, only New File.
viewsError presented in vscode when trying to run a Python code
Person, I’m trying to run some scripts on Python, however in terminal of vscode is being showing the following error: bash syntax error near unexpected token (' This error is only happening on the…
viewsVisual Studio Code Extension: "Code Runner" does not compile C
I’m trying to run a code on C in the Visual Studio Code with the extent Code Runner but I’m not getting it. I’ve installed the Mingw correctly, I can verify it in cmd via g++ --version But I still…
viewsVisual Studio Code - Debug by Chrome
Hello, I’m trying to debug my code angular of visual studio code with the extent debbuger for chrome, but it does not enter in mine breakpoint never, that including this gray and written unchecked.…
viewsVscode ASCII Standard Sequences (ANSI)
I’m intending to migrate from pycharm to VS Code. It’s just that there’s something going wrong. Something that was enough as I use in pycharm to make the text more friendly, misses the use of…
viewshow to resolve Git public key permission error within VSCODE
My vscode does not allow you to exchange data between Git and Github (push, pull and Sync), and this only happens when I use the vscode tools (when I open the "Ctrl shift p" search bar, or when I…
viewsShortcut to "console.log()" in Vscode
There is, in Visual Studio Code, a way to insert console.log() so I start typing? Or else a keyboard shortcut?
visual-studio-codeasked 5 years, 1 month ago Fernando Ernesto 19 -
viewsVisual Studio Code SAVE problems
I am creating a project in React-Native More when saving the project or changes in the App.Js folder, the following error occurs as the image defaces the project itself in the tags, causing space…
visual-studio-codeasked 5 years, 2 months ago Léo Lima 1 -
viewsBuild failed. - error creating migration
Good afternoon. I am starting a web project that is generating an error using the command: "dotnet Ef database drop" I used at the end of the -v command to generate a complete message. Error…
c# visual-studio-code entity-framework-core migrations dotnet-cliasked 5 years, 1 month ago Allan Alencar 1 -
viewsIs it possible to make Vscode "Responsive" Workspace equal to Sublime?
When using Vscode on half screen 2, creates a horizontal scroll that shows what’s beyond the right margin. It doesn’t exist in Sublime because it adapts to the screen size 1. It would be possible…
viewsI use vscode with Node, but it does not show my codes in js in output, I use code Runner tbm
I decided to learn Javascript in a course, so I downloaded the Node and vscode, installed everything right, put the code Runner, then when I execute a simple code as console.log('Hello, World'),…
viewsPython with float variable problems
Galera wrote a program where I decrease a variable in 0.01 and from the third decrease, python simply recognizes the value 0.01 as 0.009999999999988617 and ends up giving problems in my code. In the…
viewsProblems running on VSCODE
I am able to compile my file in . C, it is written correctly (it is a simple Hello World), but when I run it, it appears this error message, it finds the.exe file, but fails to run it. I did…
viewsRename in VS Code
I’m having a doubt... Example: I have 3 separate classes within a folder, and in these 3 classes there is the "validaNomeTitular" method, but I want to change to "validaName". How do I rename in the…
visual-studio-codeasked 4 years, 8 months ago user145275 -
viewsCtrl+/ shortcut in vscode
I’m trying to put the shortcut Ctrl + / to comment lines in vscode, but I’m having trouble letting the shortcut complement, ie make the shortcut Ctrl + / add comments and also do the job of removing…
viewsHow can I recover File explorer from VS Code side menu?
I’m having a problem, in the office pc that file explorer icon that is in the side menu of vs code is gone, even opening the project or the project folder it does not paparece. To appear I use…
visual-studio-codeasked 4 years, 7 months ago Robson Cabral 55 -
viewsAbout preparing the apache Tomcat server in visual studio code
I downloaded the binary files from apache-Tomcat, extracted them in an open folder and added them to the visual studio code. But at the time of starting the server, gave this error that can not even…
viewsVscode does not show the node_modules folder in Explorer
After the installation of Express I noticed that Vscode in its interface no longer shows the folder inside the project in the Explorer tab, often I need to change something in node_modules and I am…
viewsError creating execution script for ts-Node-dev library
I am building the back-end of an application using Node.js and Typescript, I decided to create a script in package.json to facilitate the execution of the system I inserted the following script:…
viewsVscode problem adding space in code
Hello, everybody. When working with HTML every time a change is made to head Vscode automatically adds a space before closing all double quotes in the body. Staying as in this example: input…
viewsModifications made to my style tab are not updating on the page
I’m making a calculator that I saw on youtube and I’m having a problem that what I did in my style isn’t changing what I should change. I’ve tried some videos that teach you how to handle…
viewsconsole.log() is not printed when using (Ctrl + alt + n) in Ubuntu, with Code Runner installed
I started the study of Nodejs using Windows and over time I made the switch to Ubuntu operating system. I installed the Node on the machine, Vscode, and the Code Runner extension, all the same as…
viewstxt file content display in php
Hello, I’m trying to read a txt file created with data entered by users of a site (name, email, company and phone) and I want to display the information inside the txt file using php. My code so far…
It was open vs code, I activated the live server and suddenly the files changed from Chrome pro explorer. How can I fix it? Thanks!
viewsModulenotfounderror: No module named 'files'
I was using Pycharm in the elaboration of my project and everything was going well. I migrated to Vscode and this problem appeared, and there were no changes to the code. There is something specific…
viewsHow to run table algorithm again if user chooses to run again?
from time import sleep print('-=-'*20) print('Tabuada da adição') print('-=-'*20) n = int(input('Insira um número: ')) n0 = n + 0 n1 = n + 1 n2 = n + 2 n3 = n + 3 n4 = n + 4 n5 = n + 5 n6 = n + 6 n7…
viewsPylance does not recognize libraries in VS Code
I am developing a game with pygame and I feel the need to always see the modules, functions and parameters by the documentation, since for some reason, no suggestion appears when I type…
viewsError "timed out Waiting for Launcher to connect" when trying to run in python in vscode
I have recently been having problems trying to run python code in vscode. It just started happening out of the blue. I’ve tried reinstalling vscode and python. But this problem insists on appearing.…
viewsThe Else is not recognized
alert(""); var n1=parseInt(prompt("Digite um número")); var n2=parseInt(prompt("Digite outro número")); var A = n1+n2; var M = n1*n2; var D = n1/n2; var Sub = n1-n2; var menu=prompt("Escolha uma…
viewsLearning to Program - PYTHON IDE
I’m learning how to program the Python language and I’m using Vscode I downloaded vscod. When I hit "F5" to run code, it error. What I need to do, to open a "cmd" that I can type and test the codes?…
viewsCan you program in java by creating frame by VS code?
I’m learning java swing and wanted to know if there’s a way to do a Jframe and run vs code, because I want to start using just one ide for everything and netbeans takes too long to start, and how to…
viewsDual tag selection in visual code
There is a problem in my VS code, the tags are simultaneously selected above and below, have some configuration to leave only the top]1 Thanks in advance!!…
visual-studio-codeasked 5 years, 2 months ago Pinheiro Neto 91 -
viewsCode does not run in C on Vscode
I followed 2 tutorials, installed the Vscode and the compiler Mingw, put all necessary extensions, C/C++ Compiler run, among others. And I put the Mingw path in the PATH of the environment…
viewsError trying to install nodemon
I am trying to install nodemon by visual studio code using "npm install --save -g nodemon", but this error appears and does not install.…
viewsPython cs50, what happened with this simple code
Good morning, I’m starting a Python course by Cs50, but I don’t understand what happened to the code I wrote. name = input("Name: ") print("Hello, " + name) You can see that it is simple and yet…
viewsThe method 'setState' isn’t defined for the type 'Myapp'
I’m starting in flutter, but I came across this mistake in setState. Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( home: Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Text('Horímetro'), ), body:…
viewsWhen writing in input the text starts in the middle instead of the beginning
When writing in the input the text starts in the middle instead of the beginning. How do I change it? I already changed the padding but the text stays in the middle. Sample image: Code: Widget…
viewsHTML in Visual Studio Code
Is there any shortcut/technique to place <p> and </p> in a Visual Studio Code line? Just as Ctrl+ ; turns the line into a comment…
viewsFailed to install C# extension in VS Code
Hello, I have a problem to install the C# extension on my PC, it is a little old and has 32bits, and when I try to install it says that the extension is not supported. I wonder if you have how to…
viewsNextjs does not run in Visual Studio Code, but works in command prompt
Hello, I created a standard Nextjs application using "npx create-next-app teste", I have not changed any standard file and Windows command prompt (CMD), when I use commands like "npm start", "npm…
viewsHow do I change the import location of the modules in python?
import pygame The program gives this error, saying that there is no module It only works when I show the location for the show I’m starting my language studies. My python and vscode are installed on…
viewsjavax.servlet.Servletexception: Error instantiating Servlet class
In trying to access the doPost method, I get a 500 error. Can anyone help me? I created a project with the Maven archetype webapp. -Tomcat 9…
viewsImport library automatically
Is there any extension of Visual Studio Code that when using a library in the code, it is automatically imported? Ex: from PySimpleGUI import PySimpleGUI as sg layout = [ [sg.Text('Teste')] ] I…
viewsCouldn’t start client language support for java (Syntax Server). how to resolve?
APPEARS IN THE OUTPUT: conection to server is erroring. Shutting down server
visual-studio-codeasked 3 years, 5 months ago Amós Correia Oliveira 21 -
viewsHow to fix CS1729 error in this CAD application?
Good morning, I have a problem in a CAD application where it shows the following error: CS1729 error: "Commandmethodattribute" does not contain a constructor that accepts 0 arguments 1-…
viewsHow to change the color of VS Code text?
I wanted to put color in the text of vs code, but know no plug-in or no way to change that color, please help me?
viewsCustomization of Visual Code
Hello, I started to study programming a short time and always end up getting a little lost in the codes. Only then I realized that the spacing in my visual code is smaller and this is literally what…
visual-studio-codeasked 3 years, 6 months ago Bruno Rafael 1 -
viewsI was running Py on Vscode for the first time and this message appeared:
I tried to run a py code on Vscode. print("Olá Mundo") And there was this message on the terminal: ( Python not found; run no arguments to install in the Microsoft Store or disable this shortcut…
viewsTerminal doesn’t work well when I open a Second vscode window
When I open a Second vscode, the terminal do not make normal Stuffs, like node -v, or yarn. It Always shows zsh: command not found:. The terminal of first vscode window Works well.…