Most voted "games" questions
A game or video game, also called a video game, is a form of entertainment in which the player interacts with a program through peripherals, such as controls (joysticks) and/or keyboard, where the program performs certain events through player actions.
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viewsMake two functions act simultaneously
I need to make a Duck Hunt style game in C is almost everything ready, but we are not able to make the target move at the same time as the projectile, what happens is that we press to shoot, and…
viewsHow do I move with a character in Jframe Java?
I wanted to know if how to make a camera for character when it reaches the end of the panel start going along with the character, because when setting a size this.setSize(500,500); the character…
viewsTake Prefab position and compare with other Prefab within a grid? Unity 3D
I’m developing a tetris-style game, but focused on chemistry. Instead of missing a complete line and scoring, the user needs to form a molecule. For this, each element (H and C) is a different…
viewsCompare values between Array’s Javascript
Good morning, My dear, I need some guidance on comparing values between two Array’s in Javascript. I am working on small lottery simulator where the code starts with the first Array containing 6…
viewsSudoku game resolution giving infinite loop in C
I have the following code on C: #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> // Variáveis globais int jogo_tabuleiro[9][9] = {0}; int…
viewsInclude single board values and show this on the screen without having to repeat boards
How do I print a coordinate without printing multiple trays with the values I typed on the board? tabuleiro = [[0 for x in range(0, 10)] for o in range(0, 10)] print('------------------') print(' a…
viewsAudiosource Error with Unity prefabs
I made some Prefab and put some of them on the scene while running a script. The script is responsible for destroying the enemy when a player steps on a Colisor in his head (that Colisor is the…
viewshangman game in C++
Hi guys. I have a problem regarding a specific part of the game, which is already complete. The only problem is the condition I put to check if the word was completely guessed. My code: if…
viewsWhat areas of mathematics should a game developer know?
In the development of a game something essential is mathematics. With it several amazing things are done both in the games and elsewhere. The difference between knowing or not this content is…
viewsOndestroy in Unity
Hello, could someone explain to me how Ondestroy() works in Unity? What is your specific action. The documentation is very confusing.
viewsDoubt print game list of old Python
I’m developing the old game, which is still in the beginning. I’m having trouble trying to print the first line of the list. When I print the list, it’s always empty. There could be two mistakes: or…
viewsBug when adding elements to the list and transforming it into a string
I’m trying to headache in the course of a mini-project to develop a hangman game, in the function that would return the string containing the hidden word, showing only the guessed letters. I’ve…