Most voted "events" questions
An event is a form of a class to provide notifications to customers in that class when something interesting happens to an object.
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viewsHow to use user-clicked button text as input in Tkinter?
I would like to use the text of the button clicked by the user of my game to make a logical test and return another question to the user. The game will work with a sequence of these questions, and…
viewsInput with less than three characters triggers function
I’m performing a fixation exercise that asks for the following: The count is not working, it is picking up as if the number is greater than 3, for example number 12, and not if it has MORE than 3…
viewsHow to use the Material Ui autocomplete Component without errors
I have a component Autocomplete of the Material UI where the user searches the values based on an array of products that comes from an API. The component is like this, where products is the array,…
viewsHow to receive the event object next to the props of a component in a React function?
Given a call from event onSubmit in any form that activates a function, how can I receive the event object along with other properties? demonstration: const handleSubmit = async ( // OBJETO DE…
viewsHow to use a multi-page script without giving the eventListener error in the console?
Here is a simple example to demonstrate the doubt. There are two pages and a script. I know it works by importing the script on both pages, but when I use the eventListener, it shows the error…
javascript html javascript-events events event-listenerasked 3 years, 6 months ago Glebson Santos 13 -
viewsMVC/ OO events system
I’m writing my first PHP application. What I have been studying, I have chosen to learn Object Orientation and MVC. I’m building this application by following a book I have, and it’s returning the…
viewsWait for an event to be triggered to continue the C#
In the method RealizarPesquisa, when executing the line _WebBrowser.Navigate(), the event is triggered DocumentCompleted(), but this event it takes a while to be executed, so the method…
viewsProblem aligning buttons with image, in a widget, using pyqt5 graphical library
I am trying to create a screen with a background image and two buttons (ok and Cancel) with press/drop effect using the graphical library pyqt5, of the programming language python, however, I have…
viewsHow to call a pure java script function when unchecked and marked a checkbox?
How to do this in pure java script? because there is a need to change the values of an input when checkbox is checked and unchecked. I want basically that when checking the checkbox the values add…
viewsHow to call a js file inside a php file
Here is the php code (only missing the 'open' php tag, and the line I declare the event variable): /* dentro do if queria trocar este alerta por um script inteiro que estaria em um arquivo externo…
viewsIdentifying a page exchange in a PHP web system
When the user enters a certain page of the system, I do an update in the database, but when the user leaves this page I need to take the event and do another update, I am not able to find out what…
viewsDelphi Two methods for Onmessage
In Delphi, it is possible to set two methods for the event OnMessage of TApplication? Detail: both should work simultaneously. Ex.: TApplication.OnMessage := MetodoA(); TApplication.OnMessage :=…
viewsHow to do when the person takes the mouse from the top decrease the size only with css
I want to know if there is a way when you take the mouse off a div it decrease the size only with the css example: (:) .post:hover { width: 900px; height: 500px; background-color: #dddddd;…
viewsJavascript does not load all functions
Have (a|a) (great|great) (day|late|night)! All right! When inserting many functions in a <script type="text/javascript"></script> My code is not running all of them! The browser console…
javascript javascript-events click events event-listenerasked 6 years, 7 months ago Leonardo Lima De Sousa 29 -
viewsNo Overload for Matches delegate error on a C#
I am programming a button that checks if the login is existing and advances to another screen but appears the following error: "no Overload for 'btnEntrar_Click' Matches delegate 'Eventhandler'"…
viewsEvent Click, take the value of line input dynamically
I have the following code below <body> <table> <tr> <th>Company</th> <th>Contact</th> <th>Country</th> </tr> <tr class='item'>…