Most voted "angularjs" questions
This tag should be used when the question refers to some resource, information or problem related to the Angularjs framework. If so, only about Angular, there is a specific tag for this. Angularjs is an open-source Javascript framework. Its purpose is to facilitate the creation of browser-based applications in the Model-View-Controller (MVC) model, reducing the amount of code needed to create functional web applications.
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viewsASP.NET MVC vs Angularjs with WEBAPI
In a web project (type a "small" ERP, rs) where some companies would manage their branches and there could be several connected users, which would be better in terms of performance and performance…
viewsData registration with Angularjs and PHP does not work
Hello, I have a form, simple, with 3 fields, name, email and password in HTML and along with an Angularjs code. However, when submitting the form, I get the message that the data sent to the bank,…
viewsWhat is the best way (including frameworks) to work with JSON files? Using Javascript
Guys, I have to list some data based on a json and also use some control structures with properties from that file, so what’s the best way to work with them? if possible explain how to move from a .…
viewsUpdate user in Firebase
Does anyone know how we can edit the login data of any user, registered in Firebase by firebase.auth(). createUserWithEmailAndPassword, via an admin panel other than Firebase itself? That is, how…
viewsIntellij, Spring Boot and Angularjs
I’m running a project Spring Boot e AngularJs no Intellij and I’m trying to access the folder webapp by navigating (localhost:8080/nomedapasta/index.html), only you’re making a mistake (There was an…
viewsSlide div to right and left on angular click
I have a div with infinite size and I want the contents of it to slide right or left. <div class="seta-esquerda">Botão deslizar para esquerda (200px)</div> <div…
viewsJquery - No rounding number
How can I leave the result of an account with the entire result, unfurnished, ie every time jQuery executes the script it returns a value and each browser rounds in its own way. I want a way to…
viewsAccess controller function by directive
hello the question and simple I have a button in my directive which of course already has an ng-click("alterardata();") the rule is that the controller calling this directive has this function by…
viewsHow to hide a dragging Drawer menu?
So I’m starting to develop sites and I made a Google play-style Drawer menu for the mobile version of the site only it doesn’t hide when I drag it aside someone knows a way to do this interaction ?…
viewsdoubts with the single page application of angular
am beginner with single page, and would like to know if I need a server to run my web page that I am creating with single page? if yes which the best server to use?
viewsError injecting more than one angular dependency.module
I have the following module: var appEcommerce = angular.module("appEcommerce", [ 'ngRoute']); But I get an error when placing another dependency. Ex: var appEcommerce =…
viewsHow to send sms using javascript or angular or Node.js
I need a method or api that send sms for free, it can be my same number from tim(I have text plan), I searched and just found some easy to use paid. I’m preparing for a university Ackathon and I…
viewsHow to make Ionic Cordova notification?
I need to make notifications like facebook on mobile phones, I’m making an app using Angularjs, Ionic, jquery, javascript and nodejs... is there any simple way to do this?
viewsGetting id and name of an array
I’m getting a response from my API which is an array containing some information between them idTipoTitulo and nome it occurs that I only need these two attributes to display on the screen. My…
viewsToggle part of a text to bold under one condition
I need help changing the color of a specific part of a text. The thing is, I have a string that I broke into several separate sentences to get the relevant phrases. The phrases are tuple-shaped…
viewsneed to pass this Cod to Angularjs someone knows how to help me
Does anyone know how to turn it to angular? $(document).on( 'keydown', function(e) { if (e.ctrlKey && e.altKey && e.which === 83) { $(".btnSalvarRegistro").click(); } ); please help…
angularjsasked 7 years ago Diego Laura Soares 55 -
viewsSQL server connection with angular 4 +
I would like to know how to make a connection to the SQL server database through Angular 4. I needed to know the procedures or an explanatory video. I’m a beginner in angular.
viewsHow to do Jspdf dynamic positioning
I’m using the plugin jsPDF to generate a PDF. In my created method, I receive an array, I go through it, I try to write and position dynamically in the PDF, but I have no idea how to do this.…
viewsCreate new Row with input in the table when press enter
I am creating a table using Angularjs and Bootstrap. I would like to know how to add a new line when arriving at the end and press enter key?…
viewsTools js, CSS and others
I’ve been noticing more and more tools like. Webpack.js, Gulp.js, Node.js, React.js, Less, Sass, jquery, angular. Many as close features. Others not so much. Some may work together, but won’t it…
viewsHow to catch the return of the post on my Scope Angularjs?
My variable scope.id_propertie returns Undefined. Some way to catch her off? $"consults/properties.php", { 'action': 'list_properties' }).then(function(response) { let data = response; for…
viewsJoin two objects in another object
Eae guys wanted to know how to pick up two objects and put everything together in a third object I speak two objects because the angular is saying that they are objects and not arrays. var obj1 =…
viewsProblem with SVG elements coming out of place in mobile version
I created an avatar editor that places SVG elements on the screen. When I put in the resolution of mobile version, there is a strange event happening, which causes a single element to descend,…
viewsCalculate the total price of the column with ng repeat
I am trying to sum up in the column of total prices, but it is not updated as you search, the value keeps the total sum and not the items that are showing. angular.forEach($scope.receivables,…
viewsText box for the range
Hello, my application is in Angularjs and I’m also using materialize. I would like to create a range but next to it put an input that when I type the data the range changes with the value of the…
viewsHow to return a JSON in PHP?
I have it: $insereUsuario=$pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO usuarios (idUsuario, idCep, tipoUsuario, nome, usuario, email, senha) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); $insereUsuario->bindValue(1, NULL);…
viewsSpend the month and year when the user clicks
I have this input, that I would like to click I spend the day, month and year that will appear, and not the current month, I will need to make a condition, that I already have ready, but I do not…
viewsAngular Material - Date Picker changes the date when taking input focus
I am facing problems at Angular. I am using angular material for some /components and I am using datepicker. My date locale is already 'pt', it even appears the name of the months in Portuguese and…
angularjs typescript web-application datepicker angular-materialasked 4 years, 2 months ago Maria Beatriz Almeida 1 -
viewsHow to control setValidators in angular?
I using relative forms at angular 4, I’m having trouble controlling setValidators in somewhat large structure, like below: this.criteria ={ discount:{…
viewsHow to configure angular routes with Asp. Net Mvc
I created a controller who calls the Index.cshtml and within the Index.cshtml contains the directive <ng-view> that should render the index.html but it doesn’t work. Controller public class…
viewsApp structure with various USER_HOLES
I need to develop an angular design that will have various types of user. My question is whether to create two/more applications in the same angular Workspace, using the library system for the…
viewsPDF does not capture all html
I’d like a hint, I don’t know if anyone’s been there. I have a JS code, which generates pdf, but... when you download the pdf, it doesn’t take all the html, generates all the pages but only prints…
viewsMessages do not appear on the screen using Angular
I’m finishing a messaging app, however, I’m not able to make the messages appear on the screen. HTML: <div class="card" ng-repeat="mensagem in mensagens"> <div class="item…
viewsDoubt with decimal numbers mvc
I have a register, where I have some fields to enter values, but the same only accepting integer number, if add some value with decimal passes zero. Controller [Display(Name = "Valor Multiplicador…
viewsDocument.ready using routes in Angularjs
I’m trying to run the . Parallax() function of the Materialize framework using routes in Angularjs. I set up Document.ready for each template because I thought that every call of the template per…
viewsAngular + JSON: Return does not appear in table
Hello, everyone. I am studying and doing some programming tests with PHP + Angularjs. I searched everywhere, but I couldn’t print in an html table the array generated by PHP. Can anyone help me?…
viewsProblem to get the text attribute of a Select2
I’m not getting the text attribute selected in select2, I can only get the id. <div class="col-sm-3"> <input type="text" ui-select2="comboPasta()" ng-model="item.nomePasta"…
viewsSend image via POST in English
HELP. I am trying to send an image to a web service via POST. no Postman tested and worked in my controller I did so $scope.upload = function (files) { var fd = new FormData(); fd.append('imagem',…
viewsWhat is the way to create dynamic table in HTML and JS?
Hello, I’m having trouble putting together a screen with HTML, CSS, JS, Angularjs. I need to assemble a screen where the user chooses the amount of plots, course; and according to this must assemble…
viewsI can not send data from Angularjs to PHP
I would like to send an email using Angular JS and PHP, but I don’t know why my data is not passing. index php.: <section id="contact" ng-controller="DbController"> <div class="contato">…
viewsCan you make an event after a Javascript print?
I would like to do a post-print action, IE, only when the user confirms the impression that javascript will run a scheduled event. If I put an event under the window.print() javascript runs even…
viewsHow to pass this variable to the scope?
(function () { angular.module("Hawking").controller('loginController', function ($log, $scope, validateUser) { var dataUser = { email: "[email protected]", senha: "123456" };…
views -
viewsProblem consuming JSON with Angularjs
I’m trying to run a test to get the data from a JSON file but I’m not getting it. app.component.html </div><div ng-app="appCursos" ng-controller="meusCursos"> <ul> <p> {{…
viewsHow do I log out at Angular 4?
good afternoon, I would like to know how to log out in angular 4, because I am developing a Dashboard and only this requirement is missing Thanks in advance. import { Component, Input, OnInit } from…
viewsBad Request 400: When accessing API with Ionic 3
I’m getting on my console the Bad Request 400 response to my API call: My app.api.ts in the app folder is: export const MEAT_API = 'http://localhost:1337' And my main code is: submit(){ var link =…
viewsUncaught Error - Sending email using nodemailer and Angularjs
I have been racking my brain for some time trying to create a contact page where the user can send an email. I’m new to Ode, and that’s why I’ve been through some trouble. At the moment I can’t get…
viewsMake Application Work on Local Network Only - Localhost
Good morning to all. Guys, I have a network in a client of 3 computers. As there is no internet on the server works with the following address the registration of users.…
viewsFill form fields with API data
Good morning, I have a form where the user enters the code of a product. When entering the code an API is triggered and it returns the data of the informed product. My doubt now is how to make the…
viewsAngularjs does not find the input
I’m trying to make a form where a field I want has a maximum of 10 characters, but the angle seems to be ignoring the field, for testing I had demonstrate on the screen the value of "$Valid":…