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Angular is a framework created by Google for the development of web applications. Use this tag for questions about syntax, errors, doubts, among others. Not specific to a version. For Angularjs-related issues (1.X) use the Angularjs tag.
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viewsView foreach result out of it
Is there any form of data forEach be viewed outside the forEach? I need to see the data from forEach out of it, but every time I do it it only returns the last data, not all data. I have tried using…
viewsAngular with JSON + Typescript
Should I read a JSON and print the results inside a dynamically angled HTML. The site would be a kind of chat where I have tags with dynamic DATABIDING, within the <ul class="list-group row">…
viewsHow do I disable two buttons at once? ANGULAR
I have two buttons that their ID comes from a database die: <tr *ngFor="let dads of DadosOs"> <td><button type="button" class="btn btn-success but" id="{{dads.NUMOS}} - A" value =…
viewsAngular - Page without showing previous components
I’m new at the angle, accustomed to HTML href and just open another page, let’s get to the problem! 1 - I have a form asking for the name and a button of Ubmit 2 - I have another component which is…
viewsMat-Angular-Stepper how to go to the next step through typescript?
I’m trying to give the next through a function. I saw in the documentation that they possess the method next() But I tried to stop both the matStepper as to the matStepperHorizontal in my…
viewsWhat is the advantage of using ANGULAR over JQUERY?
I know you’re both different. I know that Angular is a Framework and Jquery is a LIB. But I ask the professionals who deal with both, what is the advantage, what can I do in ANGULAR that I can’t do…
viewsPegcity does not exist in type 'string'
This code below is from the one page delivery.ts file in Ionic 3.9 Neighborhood and city are data taken from an api on the localhost Two errors are presented to me that I don’t know how to solve:…
viewsI’m having problems with Jquery scroll
Hello, I am using the scroll function you have in Jquery’s Document, everything goes very well, at least while I am in the component that has the href to scroll, but when I exit this component, I…
viewsopen Collapse after updating array
I have a Collapse that when I click on it, comes the data of the array, there is a button that opens the modal, when I open the modal I click 'FINISH', then when I send the data to the api, and then…
viewsUse dependency in 2 different modules
How do I have in different modules, the same component in the declarations? Ex: estado.modulets. @NgModule({ imports: [...], declarations: [ AdicionarEstado, ... ] ... }) city.modulets. @NgModule({…
angularasked 5 years, 8 months ago LeoHenrique 954 -
viewsHow to rename input file button in Angular 7?
Watch the image; Now look at the code; <div class="form-control pl-0" style="border: 0px solid"> <input type="file" name="arquivoMov" id="arquivoMov" accept=".pdf"…
viewsUse custom folder directive
I created this directive inside a directive folder app |_ diretivas |_ click-outside.directive.ts My directive is like this: import { Directive, Output, EventEmitter, ElementRef, HostListener } from…
viewsAngular 2x - Do not perform databinding for 2 equal objects
In my component I have 2 objects that use the same model, as below: Component: produtos: Produto[] = []; produtosOriginal: Produto[] = []; At a given time I make a copy of the values:…
angularasked 5 years, 6 months ago Alessandro 421 -
viewsHow to break line after button in Angular with Materialize?
Making a small page using Angular, I came across a problem of overlapping two buttons. When they are on screens more than 420 px wide (cell phone in horizontal position, for example), it does not…
viewsHow to receive an array of data from my Ionic Storage
I need to send some data to my php that will handle them and send to my Cpanel database. In my code, I can correctly save the data I want (image, latitude and longitude) in the Ionic Storage and…
viewsNodejs Select database when logging in
Hello, good afternoon. I’m dealing with a project that will work as a service, the client has some knowledge in IT and requested that users can select the database when logging in, for example: On…
viewsAfter a create, update an array with data from a get or increment the Response in the array?
Assuming I have a table showing data from an array, when entering a new element in the database via a request POST, how best to update the data on screen? I’m always in doubt between making a GET…
viewsCalculate birthday date in typescritp
I’m developing a freelance system for a college job and I’m having trouble calculating date. I have a date field (for date selection) and another blocked label that will bring the result (age )…
viewsTranslate at angular 6
I’m using the i18n at the angle as the image below: In app.component.ts is like this: import { Component } from "@angular/core"; import { TranslateService } from "@ngx-translate/core"; @Component({…
viewsAccess HTML elements inside an Angular component
I have a Dashboard: <app-navbar></app-navbar> <div style="display: flex; height: 90vh;"> <app-sidebar id="sidebar" class="hide"></app-sidebar>…
viewsAccess specific item within a Firebase Collection using angular
I’m with an angular project and I’m using firebase cloud firestore as a database but I’m having a hard time using it because I have a collection called feed and within this collection I have several…
viewsRemove semicolon from a JS string
Hi, I was wondering if there’s something wrong with that function that won’t let me remove the semicolon from the string. What happens is that I have an input that when receiving the entered value…
viewsAngular - Custom Matform Validator does not work
I have the following code in the constructor of my component: this.form = new FormGroup({ id_periodo_ini: new FormControl(undefined), id_periodo_fim: new FormControl(undefined) }) In the…
angularasked 4 years, 7 months ago WitnessTruth 1,017 -
viewsAngular 8 scroll manipulation
I am developing a component in Angular version 8 and in the html part of the component I am using the following navbar: but when I try to embed javascript in my…
viewsChange the input Mask when the select value is changed
Good afternoon, you guys! I have a form and in it I have a select with the options (Phone and Mobile) and I also have an input for the user to fill in the number. I want that when the user selects…
angularasked 4 years, 7 months ago Sena Oliveira 364 -
viewsAngular - How to reuse information from one component in another to realize condition?
I have a menu in my html component as follows: (Menucomponent.html) <p-tabMenu class="tabMenuDrograria" #menuItems [model]="items" [activeItem]="items[0]"…
viewsTreat backbutton event in PWA APP created in Ionic
I read that for PWA created in Ionic does not have the solution to handle when the user clicks the backbutton, physical button. The problem is when the user clicks multiple times on the backbutton…
viewsProblem with Antdesign icons when testing Angular application
The component I am testing uses Ant Design icons, and when running Karma tests with the 'npm run test' command the following error occurs: An error was thrown in afterall error properties: Object({…
viewsTypescript function, bring the user response to the screen after clicking
Hello. Guys I have a function where I press 3 color buttons (yellow, blue, black) on my screen, I need that when I click these buttons on a div below appear the colors that he is clicking. So the…
viewsArray objects in angular
I’m doing it this way to fill the array: let form1 = this.formGroup.get('array_activity') as FormArray; console.log(form1); if (! { for (let i = 0; i < form1.controls.length;…
viewsangular - passing variable values from one page.ts to another
I’m starting now with the angular and I’m having a doubt, I made a canvas of, after the back-end confirms the login and password the user goes to the screen on this…
angularasked 3 years, 11 months ago SneepS NinjA 7,691 -
viewsAngular does not display API data
I’m building an . net core API using c# with visual studio 2019. the entities are publisher and book and testing via Swagger and Postman, the CRUD of both is working perfectly. However, I started…
viewsHow to take the current value of a select with angular
import { MatchService } from './../match.service'; import { Router } from '@angular/router'; import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core' import { Match } from '../match.model'; import…
viewsTesting of a component function
I don’t understand how I could test this function of Component, I’ve tried some ways, but I really didn’t understand how to do Function in the Component: openModal(){ if(this.RecommendationCount…
viewsStates in Angular2+
I am having doubts about how to modify a state at the angle. I am using Zorro filterSelect, so I have to modify this.filterEquipe to disable or enable the field export class MainDashboardComponent…
viewsDynamically add all Formbuilder fields. Angular Front-end
i have 5 formBuilder fields. 5 are filled with data coming from the database. but this data can be changed by the user formNum: Formgroup; recebeDados(){…
viewsAngular Variable Interpolation Problems 11 + Bootstrap 4
I’m creating a carousel component to be reused in my Angular 11 project, I’m creating it using bootstrap 4. I’m having a problem with variable interpolation, I’ve tried several different ways,…
viewsshow value instead of foreign key DJANGO API
Model from django.db import models from django.contrib.auth.models import User user_agent = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE) def __str__(self): return VIEWS from…
viewsStudy Angular 1 or 2
I am very old, the first language I learned was in Action Script 1 (this in the early 2000s). Today I need to recycle myself and I want to start to leave Jquery and go to Angular, mainly to develop…
viewsHow to use a dynamic url in angular projects 6
I now need to send my project, created in Angular 6, to Homolog. I have a file called app.constants and inside a class called Configuration. In this class I "failed" the API url for my tests, like:…
viewsSwap css for parameter
Angular Version: 8.2 Hello, I’m trying to change the CSS every time I change a parameter (company). Each company has its theme, for example, company A the theme is red, so in certain parts of the…
angularasked 5 years, 7 months ago LeoHenrique 954 -
viewsLoop in javascript with ranges
I need to make a loop where at each iteration it wait 2 seconds until the next. I tried with setInterval, but saw that it does not work as I want... For it is asynchronous, so the loop runs normal,…
viewsfirebase/app dependency not found
When using the command ng serve it returns the following message . ERROR in The target entry-point "@angular/fire" has Missing dependencies: - firebase/app already excludes the node_modules and the…
viewsHow do I create a vertical spacing between Ivs in css?
I have the following problem, I created a component of a button and I put it inside a div, I replicated bone for 3 buttons, I wanted to know if you have any property in css to give a vertical…
viewsI can’t get my mat-table popular
This is my html with the mat-table <div> <table mat-table [dataSource] = "dataSource" class="mat-elevation-z8"> <ng-container matColumnDef="codigo"> <th mat-header-cell…
viewsIterate object inside object at Angular 8
would like to know if it is possible to display one object inside another at angle 8. In case I have the property of the employee and within it has a department object with other properties. I’d…
viewsAngular ignores line break in String
I’m assembling a message with several messages in JAVA. After it was sent to the front/view but the angle is eating all the lines breaks: public String salvarPorXLS(){ while (rowIterator.hasNext())…
viewslogin with multiple angular access
my problem is the following I am trying to put my login with various levels of access as if it is level 1 enters as super administrator if it is 2 enters as administrator and if it is 3 enters as…
viewsError with Hikaripool-1 spring
I have this error when I try to initialize my spring project. I can’t find anything to make it work. . ____ _ __ _ _ /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _ \ \ \ \ ( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \…
viewsRead Json Angular 9 format
my api returns a json format as follows { "Errors": [], "Result": [ { "CompanyName": "teste inicio", "FantasyName": "inicio" }, { "CompanyName": "teste meio", "FantasyName": "meio" }, {…
angular typescript front-end angularjs-directives angular-materialasked 4 years, 9 months ago Thiago Ubiratan 353