Most voted "angular" questions
Angular is a framework created by Google for the development of web applications. Use this tag for questions about syntax, errors, doubts, among others. Not specific to a version. For Angularjs-related issues (1.X) use the Angularjs tag.
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viewsAngular 7 Cannot find a differ supporting Object '[Object Object]' of type 'Object'. Ngfor only Supports Binding to Iterables such as Arrays
I am studying angular and decided to make a very simple movie search. I would like to put the elements of the film on the screen, but the return of my get has been an Object. I have broken my head…
viewsDate Component in American Standard in Angular
I have a Datepicker in my form that entering the date manually, the component is waiting for a date to be in American format and ends up with error. Selecting the date by the component itself, works…
viewsMultiple SQL column query - Laravel
Guys, I’m trying to make a query, where I have several fields to perform this search, and some null field may come. I’m using Laravel with Angular, I don’t know if I can do this consultation on the…
viewsAngular does not recognize variable inside a Javascript Function, integration with Pagseguro
I am consuming Pagseguro service in an Angular application version 10.2 and I am having this problem: Inside a function in my component I call an object of type PagSeguroDirectPayment, and I can’t…
viewsWhen I Select A Checkbox All Are Selected (Only The Chosen Must Be Checked)
When I select a Checkbox all of them are selected, I need only the chosen Checkbox to be selected. Can you help me? Thank you! table.component.html: <table class="table"> <thead…
angularasked 3 years, 10 months ago Bruno Eduardo Rosselli 179 -
viewsAngular - Error: Cannot find a differ supporting Object '[Object Object]' of type 'Object'. Ngfor only Supports Binding to Iterables such as Arrays
Error: Cannot find a differ supporting Object '[Object Object]' of type 'Object'. Ngfor only Supports Binding to Iterables such as Arrays. I have this Javascript backend that is running on port 3000…
viewsLoading in Angularfireauthguard
Some way to implement a Canactivate loading in Angular 11? import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { AngularFireAuthGuard, redirectUnauthorizedTo } from '@angular/fire/auth-guard'; import {…
viewsTrue or False button in Angular
I would like to create a button in Angular that when clicking on it generates a true or false value in Firebase, how could I do that? I have to create a button that records a true or false value in…
viewsUndetected error: 'nativeElement' property cannot be read
I’m implementing an Uber app clone interface and trying to render a map through Google’s API, but when executing the code the map does not load and the console shows the following error:…
viewsHow to expect an HTTP request to end at Angular 5
I am creating a method that makes an HTTPSERVICE request in my API but I need to finish this request before continuing the rest of my Method, as I could force Angular to wait for the end of my…
viewsError creating new project in Angular
I am trying to create a new project via command line (ng new project name_name), but always give this error: Installing packages (npm)...npm ERR! code ERESOLVE npm ERR! ERESOLVE unable to resolve…
angularasked 3 years, 8 months ago Wesley Jacques 9 -
viewsHow to take the last value of a javascript increment and add one more?
I have a click function that when it is triggered creates a div below the other, all similar and numbering, for example, div 1, div 2 and so on, every time I click a button. I used the ++ increment…
angularasked 3 years, 8 months ago Wanderson Silva 17 -
viewsApexcharts - How to add a line break to a label in a Radialbar
I need to insert a long text in the center of a radial bar, so it fits properly, for example with a line break. The text I want to change is in the place of the example set as "text here..." Angular…
viewsInitialize object with defined type without specifying each value
I would like to initialize an object without setting each value in Typescript Let’s simulate a simple situation where we have the Car Object: export interface Carro { QuantidadePortas: number,…
viewsI can’t get the "id" parameter of the URL in Angular 12 using Activatedroute?
The URL 'user/1' for example, it doesn’t work. But I use '/user? id=1' works and I can list but it’s not in the format I want. In my builder I declared an attribute ActivatedRoute, which I use in my…
viewsBalance based status update
I am developing a project with typescript and am unable to use js in it. this project has several routines, and in most of them has this status question, whether it is open, closed or blocked…
viewsProblems with stylization
The idea is, when the user adds the ingredients it will format the way I want it to To using Ionic and Angular Follow the images below Here the user would add the ingredients It was supposed to look…
viewsAngular and Graphql
I have a problem with displaying the html component: Query graphql in service: document = gql` query unidadeMedida($id: ID!) { unidadeMedida(id: $id){ id unidadeMedida descricao } } `; Interface:…
viewsI need to put two inputs side by side and three selects and I can’t
Good morning, I need to put some fields side by side and it’s not going, I’ve tried everything and still won’t go. <div class="row justify-content-around"> <div class="col-sm-12 col-md-12…
viewsI am unable to update my Angular table
Guys I’m having a question here, I’m trying to update my table but it’s not updating, says it’s updating but it doesn’t update. Service: updateCliente(cadastro: Cadastro): Observable<any> {…
viewsExport Table to Excel ANGULAR 9
I wonder what I might be doing wrong in my code. I need to export the table to Excel, but when I do that the table is empty, I have no idea where I went wrong. Follows the code: "code html"…
viewsHow to update the list on screen - Picklist (Angular)
HTML <app-navbar actor ="cord"></app-navbar> <h1 class="center">Gerenciar Áreas de Atuação</h1> <div class="largura"> <p-pickList [showTargetControls]="false"…
viewsValidate input type="number" >= 1 with Angular
I am trying to do a validation so that the value of my input type="number" is >= 1. But I have tried several things and none of them worked. I am now trying to use ng-Pattern. But there is a…
viewsAngular function 2 similar to Toggle Jquery
I need to do something similar to jQuery’s toggle on a FAQ page.If the user clicks on the question then display the answer below, in case they click again to hide.. However, we are using angular 2…
viewsMasks - angular 2
I need to implement in a CNPJ or CPF mask field, that is, if it is above 14 characters changes the mask to CNPJ. Same idea for phone, that is, mobile and fixed. CNPJ, CPF, Phone, Mobile, single I’ve…
viewsAngular or Angularjs
I saw some questions here on the site related to this but it was more related to update from one to the other and others were closed... What are the main differences between the two? Even being an…
viewsERROR Error: Uncaught (in Promise): Typeerror: Cannot read Property 'src' of null
I want to take the "src" of an html image but keeps showing this error. I’m trying to do it this way import { NavController, NavParams } from 'ionic-angular'; import { Component } from…
viewsAdd a new literal object to an object array!
I would like to add a new item to my object array through a method, but I don’t know how to do it. public products: Array<Object> = [ {prodName: 'product 1', prodElement: 'element 1',…
viewsOverwrite the default icone of mat-Stepper angular material
I’m trying to override the default mat-Stepper icon, but it doesn’t seem to work. I followed the documentation, but my icon is next to my label, instead of overwriting and staying in the blue…
viewsAngular for creating layout
Good morning guys! I am starting to study now angular, Node and typescript (not in that order) and I have arisen the following doubts: 1- I noticed that to run the angle, you usually use Node for…
viewsAngular 7.1.4 on Heroku
Well, I’m trying to climb an angular application ( basically the get Started that you have in the documentation ) to Heroku, by the angle rotate over the Node, I know I need to set the port as…
viewsHow to enable Basic Authentication in Nginx for an Angular path?
I have an angular application where I want to protect a specific path with basic HTTP authentication. The application paths are The Nginx configuration file looks like…
viewsHow do I remove accents and replace spaces with: _?
I got this guy: this.logger.logButton(`${this.selectedRadio.title}_${this.selectedRadio.cidade}`, { pram: 'paramValue' }); his return comes for example: Rádio Mix_São Paulo I wish the return was:…
viewsHow to load a method as soon as the page is loaded ? Angularjs
I have a method, carregarpagina(); that needs to be loaded as soon as the page is loaded. How do I do this on Angularjs.
javascript angularjs angular angularjs-directives ecmascript-5asked 5 years, 10 months ago Dan100 295 -
viewsAngular 7 - Creating a Stepper/Wizard
I’m doing a sign-up page, which is working. I wanted to change her to a Stepper/Wizard, but I’m using Angular 7 with Bootstrap 4. Has anyone ever done one or has an angle example?
viewsHTTP request (POST)
Hello, I’m studying Angular and to train I’m doing a small Web application, but I’m having problems with the Post: Can anyone help me? The error message that appears in the browser is this:…
viewsActivation of Angular Formgroup validation
Hello I have a form using formGrupo! When I click the confirm button it does not perform the validations, without any reaction in the fields...... However, I would like that when I click on this…
viewsHow do I make an RSS feed work in Angular 4?
The code below is working on a page HTML <html> <head> <title>Titulo da página</title> <meta charset="utf-8"> <script type="text/javascript"> rssfeed_url = new…
viewsWhere and when Angularjs is suitable to use?
Angularjs is well suited for medium/large applications? Only Angularjs is enough to develop an application? Can the application become more difficult to perform future maintenance? (as with PWA…
viewsIs it worth using Bootstrap with Angular 8?
Good night, I recently started studying Angular 8. My contact with Angular until then was practically 0. Today I came across a question. Most of the time I read about using jQuery with Angular,…
viewsIs it possible to pass parameters from one application to another via Query String? Angular 2+
I have 2 applications Angulas, Application 1 and application 2. I need to pass via query string the token of application 1 to application 2. Does anyone have an example? I am lost and found nothing…
viewsHow do I take the value of an input and put it into a variable?
I’m trying to make a registration form for a project and I don’t know much about JS, I need to take the value of the input after the person click the sign up button and send it to a variable. How do…
viewsAlgorithm for calculation of residential or industrial power consumption in javascript or typescript
Hello colleagues of profession, I am creating a component in Angular(5+) in which I need an algorithm to perform this calculation of energy consumption In case the power option is selected I inform…
viewsError importing Sass module into Angular
I want to use MDC Image List but when importing in style . scss from some Angular module @use "@material/image-list/mdc-image-list"; does not compile with following error: Module build failed (from…
viewsan Observer within an observable function is not feeding variable
what am I doing wrong? the variable test is not being fed, always Undefined is ok, the api is working and the query tbm, the problem is the variable test that always this Undefined…
viewsAngular problems when I start "NG SERVE"
Hello, I have a problem in Angular. Every time I start an ng serves it shows an error: ng : The file c: Users Gustavo Gomes Appdata Roaming npm ng.ps1 cannot be loaded because script execution has…
angularasked 3 years, 5 months ago Gustavo Gomes 1 -
viewsWhen recording caught a bad request using angular 6
When I try to record in the bank, I get error (400) bad request, when I insert by Postman two fields of the type of an object returns an empty array([]). I’m sure the sending of the data is wrong,…
viewsHide Buttons
Wanted a help with angular, I use an ngFor to generate the buttons "-" and "+" which are the buttons that give choice to the user. So when it comes to choosing options such as the flavor of the…
viewsChange javascript object names
I have the following object: { "Search Engines": [ { "conta": "Search Engines", "hits": 5, "bytes": 50189 }, { "conta": "Search Engines", "hits": 1, "bytes": 7601 }, { "conta": "Search Engines",…
viewsProblems updating a field based on selecting another field
I don’t have much experience in Angular and I have a problem that seems to be simple. I have a crud master detail, and at the item launch I have a dropdow of products from primeng and after the…