
A Controller is responsible for controlling the entire flow of information passing through the site/system. It is part of the MVC standard.

192 questions

Related Tags features/components related to file uploads (regardless of file type, such as sheets, images, text, etc).

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Servlets are programs that run on a web server or application server, acting as an intermediate layer between the request coming from a web browser or some other HTTP cl…

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It’s the process of extracting information from websites. It is typically used by third-party applications to extract information or interact with a website that does no…

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A chained list is a representation of a sequence of objects in computer memory. Each element of the sequence is stored in a list cell: the first element in the first cel…

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Mongoose is a Mongodb object modeling tool, or ODM (Object Document Mapper), written in Javascript and designed to work in an asynchronous environment.

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Composer is a tool for managing dependencies in PHP. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install / update) them for you.

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App (short for "application software") denotes software developed for a specific user application, running in a manner dependent on a system software platform. The term …

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Qt is a framework for developing graphical interfaces written in C++ supporting a wide number of platforms. Applications can also be created with QML/Javascript. It is c…

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This is the application display layer (which is separated from the other layers in the MVC standard).

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Visual Studio 2013 is the version of the Microsoft Visual Studio product line that came after Visual Studio 2012. And succeeded by Visual Studio 2015. Use this tag only…

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Delphi 7 is a version of Delphi, when it was still owned by Borland/Codegear released in August 2002 and became the most widely used version of Delphi. The reason for th…

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A dictionary in computer science is a data structure that maps keys to such values that given a key of their corresponding value can be efficiently retrieved. Use this t…

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Tag used in subjects involving scrolling (scroll) of content of a web page.

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TXT is a file extension or file that stores text, and is structured as a sequence of lines. May have one or more special characters, known as an end-of-file marker, afte…

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Microsoft Access (full name Microsoft Office Access), also known as Msaccess, is a Microsoft Database Management System, included in the Microsoft Office Professional pa…

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CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update and Delete in the English language, which are the four basic operations used in relational databases (RDBMS) or in user interface fo…

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Flask is an MVC microframework written in Python based on Werkzeug and Jinja 2 (and good intentions, according to the official website).

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Tag used to refer to content formatting in general (field format (date, time, etc), file format, etc).

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Rstudio is a free and open source (IDE) integrated development environment for R

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Paging is the process of dividing information into separate pages. Paging is often used for the purpose of printing or searching information.

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Cookie, connection testimony, or simply testimony is a group of data exchanged between the browser and the page server, placed in a text file (file) created on the user’…

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Stored Procedure is a set of SQL commands that stores repetitive tasks and accepts input parameters for the task to be performed according to individual needs. This tag …

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Compilation is the process of producing information, typically a program to be run by a computer, from a source (or sources) being typically text in a computer programmi…

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SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is a two-dimensional vector graphics format based on XML.

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Wordpress themes control the appearance and presentation of the site content. Use this tag for questions related to website frontend design and operation.

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Numpy is an extension of scientific and numerical computing to the Python programming language.

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Blade Template Engine is part of the Laravel PHP framework. Blade allows you to use a discrete syntax to write PHP control structures and display the data. Use this tag …

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An event is a form of a class to provide notifications to customers in that class when something interesting happens to an object.

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Unit testing or unit testing is a method by which individual source code units, assemblies of one or more computer program modules, together with associated control data…

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Animation is the rapid display of a sequence of visual effects in order to create an illusion of movement or change.

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Use this tag when the question refers to some resource, information, or problem relating exclusively to the Mysql database management IDE, Mysql Workbench. For questions…

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XAMPP is a platform-independent, free software server consisting primarily of the Mysql database, the Apache web server, and the interpreters for scripting languages: PH…

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Combobox allows you to select an option from several (similar to a list box), however only the selected item is displayed by default (reducing the space of the occupied …

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Graph is the attempt to visually express data or numerical values in different ways, thus facilitating their understanding. There are several types of charts and the mos…

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The HTML selection widget (<select>) represents a user interface control that displays an options menu. The options within the menu are represented by elements <option>,…

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