
An entity-relationship relationship model (MER) is an abstract and conceptual representation of data, information aspects of a business domain or its process requirement…

161 questions

The HTML selection widget (<select>) represents a user interface control that displays an options menu. The options within the menu are represented by elements <option>,…

161 questions

DO NOT use this tag to mark over . Net’s Assembly which has its own tag. Assembly Language (ASM) is a family of very low-level programming languages, just above machine …

160 questions

A link (or hyperlink) is a hypertext element with the function of transferring navigation to another resource or page. In HTML, anchors are used (tag <a>) to create hype…

160 questions

. NET Core is a general-purpose open source development platform maintained by Microsoft and the. NET community on Github. It is a cross-platform (compatible with Wind…

160 questions

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing provider, providing platform as a service (Paas) and infrastructure as a service (Iaas). Platform users can deploy their application…

158 questions

Magento is an e-commerce platform written in PHP on the Zend Framework, available under both open source license and commercial license.

156 questions

Debugging is a methodical process of finding and reducing the number of errors or defects in a software, providing it with the expected behavior. Use this tag for debugg…

156 questions

Webview is a user interface element that displays web pages. It is usually the basis on which a developer can create his own web browser or simply display some content o…

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Used to compare different types (compare variables, objects, files, etc).

155 questions

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the set of strategies aimed at evidencing a website in the pages of natural (organic) results on the search sites. DO NOT USE THIS TA…

155 questions

Jasperreports is a library of reports that are created and managed by Jaspersoft Studio or the old and discontinued iReports

154 questions

Versioning is the process of assigning names of any single version or single version numbers to unique file states and computer directories. Within a certain category of…

153 questions

Asynchronous programming is simply to allow certain portions of code to be executed by separate threads.

153 questions

In Programming, the Return statement makes the execution leave the subroutine that contains it and continue from the immediately following point to which this subroutine…

152 questions

Allocation refers to interpreted languages such as C and C++, which dynamic memory allocation is part of data management and security.

152 questions

ASP.NET Identity is a user management framework designed to replace ASP.NET Membership and Simple Membership. It includes profile support, Oauth integration, works with …

151 questions

Use this tag on questions that have conditional execution as the center of the problem, i.e., that depend on boolean expressions for their execution.

150 questions

A map is a visual representation of a zone of a symbolic representation highlighting relationships between the elements of which space as objects , regions and themes.

150 questions

The Entity Framework (EF) Core is an open source cross-platform ORM developed by Microsoft. DO NOT use this tag for Entity-Framework questions, in which case use the [En…

150 questions

A plugin (or plug-in) is a program that adds specialized functions to another larger program.

149 questions

The command console also called shell for Unix-like systems is a textual interface that interprets the existing commands in an operating system and sends them to the ker…

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HTTP request is when your browser displays a web page, this process is performed using the HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)

147 questions

Woocommerce is an open-source eCommerce plugin for virtual stores developed for the Wordpress platform.

146 questions

Spring Security was previously known as Acegi Security because it was a parallel project to the Spring Framework and was gradually integrated into it. When I say 'integr…

145 questions

Materialize is a css and javascript framework that implements the Material Design guidelines.

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A user interface control GUI element, similar to a listing box, which allows the user to choose a value from a list.

144 questions

Dynamic-link library (dynamic link library) or DLL, is the implementation made by Microsoft for the concept of shared libraries in Microsoft Windows and OS/2 operating s…

144 questions

Nginx ("engine x") is an HTTP server, reverse proxy and email proxy, with a BSD-like license. DO NOT ASK support or NGINX configuration questions - this is outside the s…

143 questions

Hooks is a new feature included in React 16.8 that allows developers to use state and other React features in a functional component. Use this tag for Hooks related ques…

143 questions

Sqlite is a C-language library that implements a built-in SQL database. Programs that use the Sqlite library can have access to SQL database without running a separate D…

142 questions

Laravel is an open-source framework for developing web applications and services with PHP. Use this tag for specific questions about Laravel 4.

141 questions

Constructing object-oriented programming languages is a method called as soon as a new instance of the object is created. Such a method is usually responsible for alloca…

141 questions

A library used in the Python language for plotting graphics. The "pylab" interface of this is very similar to the MATLAB plotting functions.

140 questions

SSL is a cryptographic protocol that provides Internet communication security for services such as email (SMTP), page browsing (HTTPS), and other types of data transfer.

139 questions

Multidimensional arrays are data structures that store values in more than one dimension. In other words, a multidimensional array is like a container that will hold mor…

138 questions