
Cryptography is the study and practice of the logical means used to obtain the confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of information. It encompasses among other thi…

281 questions

ggplot2 is a graphic design package for R based on the principles of "Graph Grammar". It partially replaces the basic Plot of R and the Lattice package, offering a clean…

279 questions

Tomcat is a Java Web application container server. As a container, it simplifies the application code by managing: communication, contexts and tasks. It also has managem…

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PL/SQL (acronym for Procedural Language/Structured Query Language) is an extension of the standard SQL language for Oracle DBMS from Oracle Corporation.

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This tag should only be used for questions that are about Objective-C language resources or rely on language code. The "Cocoa" and "Cocoa-touch" tag should be used to as…

276 questions

A class method is nothing more than a collection of instructions grouped together for the purpose of executing a given task.

271 questions

Update is an SQL statement that changes the data of one or more records in a table, as well as a subset of results, and can also be filtered by conditions.

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A design standard, from English design Pattern, is a general reusable solution to a problem that commonly occurs in software design.

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Syntax is the set of rules that defines how the different symbols of a language (natural or programming) can combine validly.

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DOM (Document Object Model - Document Object Model) is a W3C specification for a platform and language independent interface, where one can dynamically change and edit t…

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Command Prompt (cmd.exe executable name) is the command line interpreter provided by Microsoft on OS/2, Windows CE, and Windows NT operating systems (including Windows 2…

266 questions

Software engineering is an area of computing focused on the specification, development and maintenance of software systems, with application of technologies and practice…

264 questions

Use this tag for things related to the company’s search engine. If for other products there are specific tags, do not use it separately. For example avoid using this tag…

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A menu is a user interface engine that provides the user with a means to view and perform application operations. The tag can be used for any technology involving menus.

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Shell script is a scripting language

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Ionic 3 is the third version of Ionic, an open source SDK that allows developers to create mobile apps using web technologies (HTML, CSS, and Javascript). Ionic 3 uses t…

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Netbeans IDE is a free and open source integrated development environment (IDE) for software developers in Java, C, C++, PHP, Groovy, Ruby, and more. The IDE runs on man…

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The Arraylist class is an implementation of the List interface that uses an array to store elements.

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Google Chrome is a web browser available on mobile, TV, and desktop platforms. Developed by Google, it uses the Blink layout engine and application structure. use the ta…

255 questions

Javaserver Faces (JSF) is a Model-View-Presenter framework commonly used to create web applications. Always report: What technology you are using, JSP or Facelets; Error…

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Phpmailer is a class developed for the PHP language for sending email to servers that require SMTP authentication.

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In object-oriented programming, inheritance is the system that allows objects to support operations defined by previous types without having to provide their own definit…

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Internet Information Services (IIS) is a web server created by Microsoft for use with Microsoft Windows. Please mention which version of IIS you are running in your ques…

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242 questions

Questions about a search algorithm or its implementation. *NO* for questions about using search tools within an API (e.g.: Google, Bing, Facebook).

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Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a set of proprietary remote computing services from Amazon.com. This tag can be used for software development issues that are platform-speci…

241 questions

SELECT is an SQL statement that returns zero or more rows, from one or more base tables, temporary tables, or views in a database.

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In computer science, recursion is a method of solving problems in which the solution is given by an algorithm that refers to itself. A classic example is the factorial c…

240 questions

Type Conversion is the method used to adapt one type of data to another so that it is possible to relate to a target type.

239 questions

Xamarin.Forms is a cross-platform UI toolkit that allows developers to easily create native user interface layouts that can be shared between Android, iOS and Windows Ph…

236 questions

Use this tag for questions pertaining to random or pseudo-random numbers.

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Responsive Layout is an approach used to develop user interfaces, providing great viewing experience, easy reading, navigation and adaptability to a wide range of device…

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Kotlin is a statically typed programming language compatible with JVM and Javascript.

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Encoding style is a set of rules or guidelines used when coding a computer program. Typically, following a certain coding style makes it easier for other programmers to …

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Character encoding or Character encoding refers to the way characters are represented as a series of bytes.

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