
Use this tag for questions about software libraries. A library is a collection of non-volatile resources, usually used in software development.

138 questions

Directives are extensions of the HTML language, which provide the possibility to extend/extend the behavior of HTML elements. Directives allow you to manage DOM elements…

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Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) is a declarative language in the XML standard used to define user interfaces in WPF, Silverlight, Windows Phone, and Window…

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Machine learning is a sub-field of artificial intelligence where there is the development of algorithms that in several areas allow the computer to learn something.

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Tag used to refer to reports in general (in files, in the internal content of a web page, etc).

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ASP.NET MVC 4 is the fourth version of the Model-View-Controller ASP.NET platform for web applications.

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The layout tag is for questions about the placement, alignment and justification of objects with respect to an element it contains for any language or technology.

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In programming, optimization typically takes the form of increasing the speed of an algorithm, or reducing the resources it needs.

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Websockets is an API and protocol for bi-directional full-duplex communication over TCP sockets, commonly used with HTML5 and available in recent versions of most browse…

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Terminal or console is a line emulator or command prompt, where all commands are issued in plain text.

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In programming, a switch instruction is a type of selection control mechanism used to allow the value of a variable or expression to change the program execution control…

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The Google Chart API is an online tool developed by Google that makes it possible to create dynamic charts through web pages in minutes, its operation is quite simple, i…

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An object preserves the promise that the function it generated will sometime in the future end and return you a response. It can be a positive or negative response. The …

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This tag is NOT synonymous with [javascript] and [typescript] tags. Also NOT to be used when the doubt is about technical problems of use (difficulties) or third party l…

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Heroku is a multi-language cloud application that functions as a Paas. It takes care of the entire server infrastructure and configuration, all you have to do is deploy …

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Laravel is an open-source framework for developing web applications and services with PHP. Prefer the Laravel-5 tag if you are not dealing with an exclusive Laravel 5.3 …

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UTF-8 is a form of encoding Unicode text, such as UTF-16 and UTF-32, but compatible (to some extent) with ASCII.

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For URL mapping questions for Actions and Controllers.

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Use this tag when the question refers to some feature, information or problem relating exclusively to the Sass preprocessor. Sass is a pre-processor of style sheets to a…

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Basically, the term cache can be understood as a storage area where frequently used data or processes are saved for faster future access, saving time and unnecessary us…

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The declaration of a variable occurs when a variable is created.

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Float is a type of primitive data that represents a floating point of simple precision at 32 bits. Use this tag for questions that directly involve a given float (such a…

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Sequelize is a Javascript library for Node.js that allows easy access to Postgresql, Mysql, Sqlite and Mariadb databases and maps database records to objects and vice ve…

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In technology, the term download is used to reference the acquisition of data from a device through a communication channel.

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Generics are a parametric form of polymorphism that allows instantiating classes where one or more of its attributes will have their types defined during the instantiati…

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Asynchronism refers to requests that are made independently, without synchronism, in which several requests can be sent in pararelo, where each reply returns when it is …

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A series of activities that makes a program available for use (usually in test or production environments)

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Image processing is the application of a set of techniques and algorithms to a digital image to analyze, enhance or optimize image features such as sharpness and contras…

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Jtable is a Java Swing component used to display and edit regular two-dimensional cell tables.

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GROUP BY is a standard SQL relational database command for collapse result lines that share a common field value on a single line. Aggregation functions can be performed…

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Memory Management is the field in which questions related to the techniques of use, allocation and memory recycling used by a program are studied.

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Response given by a web server that sends the browser (user agent) to a resource/address other than the requested one.

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Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a specification that enables access beyond the domain from which your page or Application was loaded.

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Relational model is based on two concepts: Entity and Relationship. Entity that is the one that contains the data and relation that is the way these data are associated.

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FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol (File Transfer Protocol), and is a very fast and versatile way of transferring files, being one of the most used on the Internet.

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Digital certificate is a file containing information relating to the entity for which it was issued (company, individual or computer), plus the public key referring to t…

124 questions