
The Virtual Host concept applies both the practice of creating (virtualization) several machines with an equivalent operating system or distinct from the host (machines …

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Assistive technologies and techniques used so that all users with special needs can surf the Internet with equal access to information.

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Computer architecture is a set of methods and rules that describe the functionalities and organization of computer systems. Use this tag for questions about: memories, c…

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The term Treeview is used to designate resources that allow viewing tree information such as directories and categories. Use this tag for questions related to this resou…

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Overloading an operator means resetting its symbol, so that it also applies to user-defined data types such as classes and structures.

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SQL Injection is a type of security threat that takes advantage of failures in systems that interact with databases via SQL. SQL injection occurs when the attacker is ab…

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DO NOT USE if the question is not related to the use of the IDE. It is an informal convention in the scope of using eclipse in development for the Android platform.

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Boleto Bancário represents a collection fee payable in any bank branch of the national territory, homebanking, lottery houses, supermarkets and post offices during the d…

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IO are input (input) and output (output) operations. Use this tag for questions whose focus of the problem to be solved are data input and output operations on files, so…

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Vbscript (Visual Basic Script) is an interpreted version of the Visual Basic language used in Active Server Pages (ASP) for tasks and dynamic HTML page construction, and…

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Use this tag for specific questions about version 7 of Angular, Google’s web framework. Use the [angular] tag for any question about Angular that is not specific to an i…

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The autoload function is used in PHP to automatically load classes.

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It is a command available on Unix that displays a text on the screen of a computer terminal. It is a command used in scripts to display messages on the screen or in a fi…

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e-commerce is a type of commercial transaction (for profit or not) made especially through an electronic device, such as computers, tablets and smartphones. The increa…

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JSX is a syntax extension for Javascript used in React.js, Vue.js, and other Javascript frameworks that allow use of XML along with JS code to describe HTML elements

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This function is similar to `file()`, except that `file_get_contents()` returns the file in a string, starting from offset to maxlen bytes. In case of failure, `file_get…

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Sublime Text is a cross-platform text and source code editor, written in C++ language and with a Python API. Initially, the program was intended to be an extension of Vi…

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A clone is an identical copy of an object with the same attributes, data, and methods, as if it were the original object.

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Makefile is a file that contains instructions to be executed by make.

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Process scheduling or task scheduling (Scheduling) is an organizational activity carried out by the scheduler (Scheduler) of the CPU or a distributed system, making it p…

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Comments on programming languages, are text snippets in the application source code that are not interpreted as part of the code, serve to assist the developer in unders…

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In computer science, **buffer** (retainer) is a physical memory storage region used to temporarily store data while it is being moved from one place to another.

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Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a web service that provides scalable computing capacity in the cloud. It was developed to facilitate web-scale computing for…

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