
40 questions
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Short Message Service (SMS) is the standard text communication service component of phone, web or mobile communications systems that allow the exchange of short text mes…

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The Ipython Notebook consists of two components: (1) A JSON based on a Notebook format document for writing and distributing rich text Python code. (2) A web interface f…

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A CSS selector is a statement in a format that "matches" all elements that follow that format in the document tree.

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Cross-browser refers to the ability of a website, Web application, HTML constructor or or side-client script to support multiple browsers.

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Elasticsearch is a distributed Restful search and analysis mechanism.

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Google Drive is a file storage and synchronization service, presented by Google on April 24, 2012.

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The percentage or percentage (from Latin per Centum, meaning "percent", "every hundred") is a ratio measure based on 100 (one hundred).

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Language-Integrated Query for Relational Data (Integrated query language for relational data)

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Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is Amazon’s cloud object storage service. Use this tag for specific issues involving the S3 SDK.

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Scraping is the activity of extracting content from a web page for various purposes from the raw storage of information to the refinement and organization of page conten…

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Shiny is an R package that helps you design web applications using only R. More information can be found here: http://shiny.rstudio.com/.

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Insert refers to the act of storing data in a computerised system (usually a relational database) in a logical and structured or semi-structured way, by means of a speci…

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Unicode is a standard for encoding, rendering, and text manipulation with the intention of supporting all characters required for written text that incorporates all writ…

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A text editor is a text file/file editing application. Text editors are often equipped with operating systems or software development packages, and can be used to chang…

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Timezone represents a region that has always presented the same local time during its history. Do not confuse with offset (the difference in hours and minutes from a ref…

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A Diagram is a structured and simplified visual representation of a given concept, idea or model.

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HQL is a Hibernate (ORM) query language very similar to SQL. However, compared to SQL, HQL is fully object-oriented and comprises notions of inheritance, polymorphism, a…

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Apache POI is a framework for the Java platform that allows you to work with reading and writing data in Microsoft Office documents.

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Use this tag When the question refers to some resource, information or problem related to Sqlalchemy, SQL object-relational mapping framework for Python programming.

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Lazarus is an IDE developed for the Free Pascal compiler. It aims to be compatible with Delphi and support multiple architectures and operating systems. Free Pascal i…

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Knockoutjs is an independent implementation of the`Model-View-Viewmodel` standard with templates.

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QR code is a bar code, which was created in 1994, and has this name because it gives the ability to be interpreted quickly by people. QR stands for "Quick Response" whic…

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