
43 questions
43 questions
43 questions

In programming, constants are definitions whose value is fixed throughout the execution of a program. Literals, in most languages, are constants. In referentially transp…

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Meta tags are HTML elements used to provide structured metadata about a web page implemented in the head section of a document.

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Word or Microsoft Word is a word processing program with a wide range of tools.

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Google Sheets is a spreadsheet program included as part of the free web-based Google Docs Editors package offered by Google. With it it is possible to perform advanced m…

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Grunt is a command-line tool that aims to automate tasks primarily for Javascript projects.

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Vagrant is a virtual machine manager that uses Oracle’s Virtual Box to run its boxes.

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A widget is a component of a graphical user interface (GUI), which includes windows, buttons, menus, icons, scrollbars and more. If the question is not about the widget,…

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Instagram is an online social network for photo and video sharing that allows its users to take photos and videos, apply digital filters and share them on a variety of s…

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Vbscript (Visual Basic Scripting) is an interpreted scripting language developed by Microsoft and modeled on Visual Basic. Vbscript is not the same thing as VBA or VB.NE…

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An argument represents the value you pass to a procedure parameter when you call the procedure. Call code provides the arguments when calling the procedure.

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Structured programming is a form of computer programming that advocates that all possible programs can be reduced to only three structures: sequence, decision and iterat…

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Use this tag only for issues directly related to changes in Apple’s Swift programming language version 3. Use the Swift tag for more general questions about the language…

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Visual Studio 2012 is the version of the Microsoft Visual Studio product line that came after Visual Studio 2010. And succeeded by Visual Studio 2013. Use this tag only …

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The DAO standard is a design pattern that abstracts and encapsulates the data access mechanisms by hiding the details of data origin execution.

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Double is a type of primitive data that represents double precision in floating point format (usually 64 bits). Use this tag for questions that directly involve a double…

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EXE is a file or file extension that can be run by computers using a Microsoft Windows operating system.

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Intent is an object that can be used to request an action from another component, such as starting an Activity, Service or Broadcastreceiver.

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Power BI is a business analytics solution that allows you to view your data and share information about your organization or incorporate it into your app or website, ava…

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Web design can be seen as an extension of design practice, where the focus of the project is the creation of web sites and documents available in the World Wide Web envi…

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Kendo UI is a package of ready-to-use libraries for developers on dynamic web pages, entirely Javascript-based and jQuery-based. If the question is not about "Kendo UI",…

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Use this tag for specific questions about sorting results into datasets.

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Project management is the area of applied administration of knowledge, skills and techniques in the elaboration of related activities to achieve a set of predefined obje…

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Advpl - Advanced Protheus Language, used in the programming of Protheus, one of the most widely used management software in Latin America

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Perl is a stable, cross-platform programming language, used in mission-critical applications in all sectors, with emphasis on its use in web development of all kinds.

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Jspdf is an open source Javascript library used to generate PDF documents.

40 questions