
Handlebars.js is a Javascript template system that gives you the power to develop semantic templates without any frustration. It is an extension of the famous Mustache t…

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Use this tag in questions relating to the correct representation, manipulation and storage of data relating to monetary units (cash), in order to obtain correct results,…

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Moment.js is a Javascript date library for analyzing, manipulating, and formatting dates. Use this tag for questions related to Moment and Moment-Timezone plugins.

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Permissions declared in Androidmanifest.xml file to allow an application to perform actions that are not allowed by default.

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ZIP, or Postal Address Code, is the Brazilian Postal Code. It has the format "NNNNN-NNN".

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A database restriction, which automatically increases from the last record when making an INSERT. You can use the tag for any database that uses some auto-increment mech…

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It is a PHP library for creating and handling excel spreadsheets, its functionalities range from creating formulas to formatting and styling elements.

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Refactoring is a disciplined technique for restructuring an existing piece of code, altering its internal structure without altering its external behavior. Use this tag …

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A byte is one of the integral data types in computing. It is often used to specify the size or amount of the memory or storage capacity of a certain device, regardless o…

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Devise is a Ruby on Rails Gem that serves to easily implement user authentication in the application.

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Atom is a cross-platform text editor created by the Github team, with its open source, written in Coffescript. It was written for the community and by the community with…

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Each application should have an Androidmanifest.xml file (precisely named) in its root directory. The manifest file presents essential information about your application…

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FPDF is a PHP class that allows you to generate PDF files with pure PHP, that is, without using the Pdflib library. If the question is not about "FPDF", do not use this …

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preg_replace() is a PHP function that uses regular expressions to make string substitutions.

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Object Pascal is a branch of Pascal derivative languages, supporting object orientation.

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Phpunit is an open source framework for unit testing, based on Junit, with support for automated testing for PHP

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An Android service is a component for performing operations, usually long, without user interaction. It has a life cycle independent of the component that started it and…

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Laravel is an open-source framework for developing web applications and services with PHP. Before asking consult the official documentation of Laravel.

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The Post Office, or Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos (ECT), is the state company responsible for the postal service in Brazil.

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Gem refers to a part of the code package managed with Rubygems. Gem is also the name of the command line tool used to manage Rubygems.

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It is a practice where teams often integrate their code so that automated processes are executed such as builds, tests, analysis, etc. The main advantage is its automati…

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Twig is a template system developed and used by the PHP Symfony2 framework.

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Grails is an Opensource framework for web applications that uses the Groovy programming language and was developed for JVM.

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Reddis is a data server in memory, distributed with optional persistence with great speed, open source and maintained by Pivotal Software

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CAPTCHA is an acronym for the expression "Completely Automated Public Turing test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart" (a fully automated public Turing test for different…

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