
Devexpress (Developer Express Inc) is a software development company founded in 1998 and headquartered in Glendale, California...

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The Fetch API provides an interface to search for resources (for example, across the network) asynchronously in Javascript. It will look familiar to anyone who has used …

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Nomenclature is a term that applies to any list of names or terms, or to the system of principles, procedures and terms related to appointment.

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A chat or chat is a neologism to designate real-time chat applications. This includes IRC programs, web chat or instant messengers.

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Passwords are used primarily as a means of limiting access to information and as a means of limiting users' access to a machine. Typically, they are used in conjunction …

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MD5 (Message-Digest Algorithm 5) is a 128-bit unidirectional hash algorithm.

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Twitter is a microblogging service that allows users to post "tweets" of up to 280 characters. These can also be sent via your API (http://dev.twitter.com).

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Apache Subversion (also known as svn) is a version control system designed specifically to be a modern replacement for CVS, which is considered to have some limitations.

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Whatsapp is a multiplatform messaging application that allows you to exchange messages by mobile using the internet. It is available for iPhone, Blackberry, Android, Win…

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The concept of cloud computing (cloud computing) refers to the use of memory and the storage and calculation capacities of shared and interconnected computers and server…

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Use to refer to the Single-Page Application, a web application or website that consists of a single web page for the purpose of providing a user experience similar to th…

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reCAPTCHA is a new Google tool to protect your site from spammers and bots. It comes from a new idea, because until then the Caps were seen more as an obstacle than a he…

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An abstract class is developed to represent abstract entities and concepts. The abstract class is always a superclass that has no instances.

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Jersey is an open source framework that serves to build Restful Web services in Java, implemented according to the JAX-RS specification (JSR 311 and JSR 339).

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iText is a library that allows you to create, adapt, Inspecione and maintain documents in Portable Document Format (PDF). If the question is not about "iTextSharp", do n…

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Use this tag when the question refers to some feature, information or problem relating exclusively to the Less preprocessor. Less is a pre-processor of CSS style sheets,…

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.xls is the default format of files generated by Excel (prior to version 2013, where the extension is . xlsx).

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Microsoft is an American multinational company based in Redmond that develops, manufactures, licenses and sells software, electronic products, computers and personal ser…

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A Sharedpreferencesobject points to a file containing pairs of key values and provides simple methods to read and write them. Each Sharedpreferencesarquivo is managed b…

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Moodle is an open source Course Management System (CMS - Course Management System), also known as Learning Management System (LMS) or a Virtual Learning Environment (AVA…

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The term "server-side" or "server-side" refers to the part of an application, usually web, that runs on the application server that may be using a web technology. The co…

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ASCII (acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange, which in Portuguese means "American Standard Code for Information Exchange", but we commonly use t…

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In object orientation, encapsulation is the mechanism to restrict access to some of the components of the object or a design principle that encourages the dissociation o…

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Garbage Collector (Garbage Collector) is a process used for the automation of memory management. With it it is possible to recover an area of memory unused by a program,…

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