
Mariadb is a database server that offers functionality and replacement for Mysql. Mariadb is built by some of the original Mysql authors, with the help of the large comm…

111 questions

Use this tag when the question refers to some resource, information, or problem relating exclusively to the Go programming language. Go (also known as Golang) is an open…

111 questions

It is the recording of computer data or the process of recording events of a computer program, usually with a certain range, so as to provide a control trace, which can …

110 questions

A namespace is a grouping that provides context for the items it contains (names, concepts, etc.), allowing the coexistence of items with an equal name in separate names…

110 questions

Windows Phone is a mobile operating system developed by Microsoft, successor to the Windows Mobile platform.

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An implementation of the HTTP protocol over an additional layer of security that uses the SSL/TLS protocol

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Nfe (electronic invoice) is a digital-only document of existence, issued and stored electronically, with the purpose of documenting a transaction in the movement of good…

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Process by which an application is hosted and prepared to run on a particular computer or device. Use this tag for questions about creating installers.

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A Gridview is a control to display and manipulate data from a variety of data sources. A tag can be used for any technology.

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Use this tag when the question refers to some resource, information or function-related problem for calculating or manipulating time variables.

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Use this tag for questions related to Wordpress plugins. If the question is about a specific plugin, use the specific tag if it exists, for example [Woocommerce].

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Nhibernate is an open source object-relational mapper (ORM) for the . NET library.

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Visualg is an algorithm editor and interpreter. Use this tag for questions related to its use, functionality or encoding.

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Use this tag when the question involves creating, editing or maintaining graphics created using the Chartjs library. This open source library uses canvas (HTML5) and jav…

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Flex-box or flexible box layout is a Web CSS3 layout model that allows responsive elements inside a container to be organized automatically, depending on the screen size.

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T-SQL (Transact Structured Query Language) is the extension of the SQL functionality supported by the Sybase ASE and Microsoft SQL Server databases. There are difference…

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Windows Communication Foundation is a framework for building service-oriented applications (SOA).

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In computer science, syntax errors are errors in the string syntax or tokens intended by the programming language that defined them. In languages compiled syntax errors …

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Jboss Application Server (Jboss AS) is a Java EE application container, open source (Open-Source) and free (Free-Software)

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A directory or folder is a virtual container within a digital file system, in which groups of computer files and other directories can be saved and organized. related ta…

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The user-friendly URL is a site address that does not contain a "query string", instead entrusting a path to a user-friendly SEO resource and readable to people, for exa…

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IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a program that provides a fully prepared environment for software development, integrating written code with compiler, debugg…

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In software projects, back-end is the part of the software system that interacts directly with the server. If the question is not about "back-end", do not use this tag, …

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Use this tag for questions about Xamarin.Android, which enables the development of native mobile applications for Android using C# in Mono. Ideally a specific framework/…

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Responsive Layout is an approach used to develop user interfaces, providing great viewing experience, easy reading, navigation and adaptability to a wide range of device…

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It is a fully Portuguese programming language that resembles a pseudo-code, but has a well-defined structured syntax.

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Java Persistence API (or simply JPA) is a standard Java language API for data persistence that must be implemented by frameworks that wish to follow such a standard. JPA…

103 questions

Tags are markup language structures containing instructions, having a start mark and an end mark so that the browser can render a page. There is a trend nowadays to use …

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The use of the tag must be related to problems with Microsoft Windows Powershell script programming which is a powerful and modern Windows command "prompt", aimed at aut…

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Migrations allows you, who already work with Codefirst, to generate manageable updates in your database, or if you prefer, let Migrations itself take care of everything …

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The tag can be used for any language, so use a language tag together. String concatenation is the union operation of two strings generating a single string.

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Tag used to refer to import in general (import from database, from archives, from libraries, etc).

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XHTML is a reformulation of the XML-based HTML markup language. It combines HTML markup tags with XML rules.

101 questions