I did some research, but most of the articles I found are based on the assumption that the reader already has some familiarity with frameworks (which is not my case), that I still have only a vague idea of what this is (it’s like a template right?).
From what I understand, it is a predetermined set of CSS and Javascript, but there is no configuration screen that can be opened in the browser, or anything like that right? It’s just a meeting of CSS and Javascript templates?
Need to install something, or just unzip the folder in the project directory and link with rel= "stylesheet"
the bootstrap.css file between the tags head
I already have a CSS file in which I am putting my formatting, is it compatible with Bootstrap? I tried to use it like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap-3.3.4-dist/css/bootstrap.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="_css/form2.css"/> // meu aquivo de formatação
But he just zoomed the layout. Apart from my css file (form2.css) it was without any formatting, very basic (but different than removing the link pro bootstrap, which indicates that it is working right?), nothing close to the example I saw (and that I am not finding again, if I find put here). My interest is because I am developing a great form, and I saw one developed with it that I found very cool, mainly the styles of the fields input
Form fields are automatically modified with Bootstrap, or I will need to edit all HTML tags to apply any formatting you want?
I’m using Javascript for some functions like displaying/hiding form fields. This is compatible with bootstrap
Well, I don’t know if it’s too wide, or if there might already be a question like this around here (which I didn’t think), but if someone can help me understand how it works, and if it’s incompatible with other scripts and CSS files it’s already great.
Impressive, all the answers were excellent, and they’re helping a lot. To avoid polluting the topic with many thanks, I will extend here to all who answered my most sincere thanks. When I have just implemented I will put the solved signal in the answer that has helped me the most, or if it takes too long for me to finish (likely), maybe put the solved signal in the answer that has received the most votes from the community after a while (but I’ll check if that’s right). Thank you very much to all!
– gustavox