If you make a site search will find several different algorithms to determine if a number is prime (if you search in Google then you will find many others, and you will see that your algorithm is very far from correct).
But even if it was right, in the end you add up num ** 2
with (num + 1) ** 2
, and that’s already wrong. If num
for cousin, then num + 1
will only be cousin if num
is equal to 2. For any other prime number, num + 1
will be an even number (and therefore divisible by 2, and therefore will not be prime). The same goes for num + 2
and num + 3
, at least one of them will not be cousin.
There is actually no fixed interval between prime numbers. Given any prime number, the next prime number may be at any distance ahead (on this assumption I suggest a read here), then there is no way to add 1 (or any other fixed value) and surely find another prime number. The way is to calculate it even.
In this comment you said you can’t use lists or functions (which is a restriction that should be in the question, so people do not waste time writing answers that do not serve can focus on the most appropriate solution for your case).
Without using lists or functions, a solution would be to store 4 consecutive prime numbers in variables and check whether the sum of their squares is equal to the number in question. If it’s not, I calculate the next prime number, add it up again, and so on.
import math
n = int(input("n: "))
# já inicio com os 4 primeiros primos
p1, p2, p3, p4 = 2, 3, 5, 7
while True:
if (p1 ** 2) + (p2 ** 2) + (p3 ** 2) + (p4 ** 2) == n:
print(f'Encontrei: {p1}, {p2}, {p3} e {p4}')
break # encontrei, sai do loop
# não encontrei, buscar o próximo primo
proximo = p4 + 2 # posso começar a partir de p4
while proximo <= n: # loop para verificar se "proximo" é primo
# loop pode ir até raiz quadrada do número: https://stackoverflow.com/q/5811151
# range de 2 em 2, para só testar números ímpares
# como "proximo" é ímpar, não preciso começar o range em 2, pode começar direto no 3
for i in range(3, int(math.sqrt(proximo) + 1), 2):
if proximo % i == 0:
primo = False
break # "proximo" não é primo, sai do for
else: # se o for não for interrompido pelo break, cai nesse else
primo = True
if primo: # atualiza a lista de primos e sai do while interno (volta para o while externo, que verifica a soma dos quadrados)
p1, p2, p3, p4 = p2, p3, p4, proximo
else: # não é primo, tentar o próximo número ímpar
proximo += 2
if proximo > n: # se já passou de n, é porque não tem
print(f'{n} não é igual a soma de 4 primos consecutivos ao quadrado')
break # sai do loop
If you could use lists, an alternative would be to have a list of all the cousins n
, and then go through it doing the checking (as did the another answer, for example).
The algorithm below has been removed of this answer, and is an implementation of Sieve of Eratosthenes:
import math
n = int(input("n: "))
# criar lista com todos os primos até n (algoritmo do Crivo de Eratóstenes)
primos = list(range(2, n))
for i in range(2, int(math.sqrt(n) + 1)):
if i in primos:
for j in range(i ** 2, n, i):
if j in primos:
# verificar a soma dos quadrados
for i in range(len(primos) - 3):
if (primos[i] ** 2) + (primos[i + 1] ** 2) + (primos[i + 2] ** 2) + (primos[i + 3] ** 2) == n:
print(f'Encontrei: {primos[i]}, {primos[i + 1]}, {primos[i + 2]} e {primos[i + 3]}')
break # encontrei, sai do loop
print(f'{n} não é igual a soma de 4 primos consecutivos ao quadrado')
Of course you can optimize, because you don’t need to create the list with all the cousins until n
, could go to the square root of n
divided by 2, among other details. But for an exercise, it should be enough.
Your program checks whether
is prime, and in your case a valley 2. Now the question asks for 4 consecutive prime numbers but you replace the number read by the sum of the squares of 2, 3, 4 and 5, being that 4 is certainly not prime, which is certainly not what the question asks.– anonimo
So that part of if/Else was basically useless?
– Vinicius