Posts by Gabriel Branger • 104 points
16 posts
viewsA: Creating responsive email marketing, how to let the text occupy the entire field and not just stay within the table?
Come on, that part of the code is where your problem is happening. Your <table> is wrapped in a column, and its layout is divided into two columns. So to make it occupy the entire bottom, you…
viewsQ: To what extent is it advantageous to use Nosql?
I’m developing a little app. It does not have a very large amount of data initially, but it would store for example user data (login), images, and some information in text format. But I intend to…
viewsA: JS - Lock button when inputs do not meet a requirement
The error is happening because the selector is not finding the desired input and returning the value as "null", to solve just add a "." before the selectors to understand that they are searching for…
viewsA: How to force type a number larger than another
You can set this directly in the attributes of input, with min=" " and if you want a maximum number you can use the max=" ". It would look like this, for example: <form action="#"> <input…
javascriptanswered Gabriel Branger 104 -
viewsA: Enable button by clicking on a checkbox
I can give you an alternative, simpler and more functional. Instead of using checkbox, use the type fields "radio" with the same name. Because it will accept only one of the two options, whereas the…
javascriptanswered Gabriel Branger 104 -
viewsA: Alignment of elements in the header
You can use the property right on your logout tag, and set the distance from the right margin. Next to the position: absolute; That would be your style: #barraSuperior a { color: #c01111; position:…
viewsA: Code to open new tab link with counter
A simple error that I noticed in this code, is that the counter does not stop when it reaches zero. And it continues printing on screen -1, -2, -3... Infinitely. Your problem has already been solved…
viewsA: How do I count how many digits, has a result of an operation?
Use the native function len(). First transform the result from Integer to String, with str(), and call the function len() for your result variable, for example: resultado = str(25**7) qtdNumeros =…
pythonanswered Gabriel Branger 104 -
viewsA: How to insert emojis into Mysql database and return the same in current service
You need to convert the default character setting of your tables and text fields to uft8mb4. For example: alter table exemploTabela charset=utf8mb4; modify column exemploTabela varchar(255)…
viewsA: I wanted to know how to make the button change color
You could also, just set a style for your JS button even, inside your IF existing, with = "COR_DE_SUA_ESCOLHA";. For example: function updateButton() { if…
viewsQ: How do I position menu next to each other - CSS
I am trying to create a dropdown menu, which opens the sub-menu down the button, is working properly until this part. But I would like the menu buttons (DIV’s) to be next to each other. But it’s…
viewsA: Bootstrap conflicts with my css. How to do hr with middle text
Bootstrap is overwriting your CSS. A solution for you would be to "reset" the class inserted by Bootstrap using a all: unset and then rebuild the CSS of your element. Your CSS would look like this:…
viewsA: How do I make the text input remain selected after I click enter (enter adds the input text to a task list)
You can use .focus() at the end its inclusion function, do not know how is your script, but I believe it treats the inclusion of data in the list. Using the onkeypress to call its function, treating…
viewsA: Show messages in Console Inspect - Google Chrome
You added a filter to hide the information that comes from this file, if you look at the top of the console, just below the tabs Console, Sources, Network, has a "filter field". By clicking "Hide…
viewsQ: Remove row from a dynamic table with Javascript
I’m creating a very simple dynamic table. Working to include the data, but I don’t know how to remove only the line I clicked on on the button delete. I made a function deletar() but she searches…
viewsA: How to make a dark mode button?
Basically as the friend previously reported, you need to set the value of the variable let contador = 0; before calling the click event, so you can work with the variable value during the event. :…