Posts by Germano Lira • 1 point
3 posts
viewsQ: Background: url() will not
I want to add an image to my page, I’ve tried it in two ways, with background: url(img/girl.png); and background-image: url(img/girl.png); The photo is on the right page, the photo is in the correct…
viewsQ: Problem like Python hangman game
I’m doing a hangman game in Python, the user writes the word and then the tip, another user will play the game and can choose between play or ask for a hint but when returning the variable tip it…
pythonasked Germano Lira 1 -
viewsQ: Validate input without variable
num = int(input("Digite um numero: ")) if num <= 10: print("Ok, numero registrado") else: print("Numero invalido, digite outro numero menor que 10") If the number is greater than 10 is to type a…