Most voted "tkinter" questions
The Tkinter ("Tk interface") module is the standard Python interface for Tk GUI Toolkit. Programs written using Tkinter are freely portable between Linux, Unix, Windows and Mac.
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viewsError clicking the Tkinter Python button
Hello I am developing a python application using Tkinter but I don’t know why it is giving me error. I was inspired by an example. My code. from tkinter import * win = Tk() win.geometry("400x150")…
viewsTkinter error on re-entry
Was using tkinter, I made the code normally, and when I ran the same, everything was working normally, but when I left the program and entered again it gave error: my code: from tkinter import *…
viewsView images in "Gallery" with Python (Tkinter)
Hello, the idea is to select all images from a directory (folder), it would display all these thumbnail images in a WINDOW via TKINTER (Python). I was able to locate all the directories of the…
viewsWhich Tkinter method. Entry is responsible for setting the value of the textvariable?
I created the following Customentry to implement a placeholder: class CustomEntry(tk.Entry): def __init__(self, master=None, placeholder="", cnf={}, fg="black", fg_placeholder="grey50", *args,…
viewsGet multiple Entry Python values
The idea is that the user type the number of lines and I create the entry according to this amount, this I managed to do, what I’m not getting is to get the value of these entry with get(). y1=0…
viewsHow to initialize this Tkinter Photoimage function?
Besides importing Tkinter, what do I call the function, for example: _show(?, 'the title'), what do I put in the first variable that is image? Show any example if it is on the desktop.…
viewsOpening a URL from Tkinter
It is possible link a website using Python code? For example, in a menu made in Tkinter (object orientation) I wanted to click button and be redirected to a site.
viewsInteraction with Tkinter Checkbutton widgets in python3
I am creating a system in python3 using the Tkinter library, I need that when checking the Checkbutton widget "Mark All" the others are marked and when unchecking, the others are unchecked. follows…
viewsHow to take out the Title Bar and adjust the screen size in Python Tkinter?
Hello! I would like to know how to put the screen in a smaller size on Python Tkinter. The program below leaves in full screen. So far I can not change the size. from tkinter import * janela = Tk()…
tkinterasked 5 years, 6 months ago Sandro Ganske 21 -
viewsHow to put a program online?
There is a shared (google) spreadsheet in which several users edit and watch it simultaneously. For those who have used the shared spreadsheet google know that when someone starts writing all see in…
viewsCall another screen in Kinter
I’m trying to create a main screen with two buttons to call the screens "Stock and "Customers", but instead of closing and opening, it adds on the same screen. from clientes import Clientes from…
viewsHow to get the value of a Variable associated with a Checkbutton in Tkinter? - Python
How could I get the value contained in checkBtVar having as reference ckBt? for x in range(10): checkBtVar = Variable() ckBt = Checkbutton(root, variable=checkBtVar)…
viewsWhat alternative do I use to solve the problem of the get() function not working
from tkinter import * def executar(): l1['text'] = t1.get() l2['text'] = t2.get() l3['text'] = t3.get() root = Tk() root.title('App') t1 = Entry(root) t2 = Entry(root) t3 = Entry(root) l1 =…
viewsUsing . get() in your window with Tkinter
when I try to use the code: import tkinter as tk window = tk.Tk() texto = tk.Text(window).pack() tk.mainloop() print(texto.get()) to return the value of what I wrote in the variable text the program…
viewsAdjust columns in Tkinter Table
I’m using Tkinter in Python, and also using Table. In my code I have a line, as follows: table = Table (frame, dataframe=frame_input['id', 'name', 'usando_limit', 'telephone']], width = (width -…
viewsI have a Scrolledtext with Tkinter, and would like a command to fetch words that would be inside it
area = ScrolledText(jan, width=800, height=400) Here I have a Scrolledtext, which is nothing more than a text box with a scrollbar, let’s say I typed enough content inside it and would like to…
viewsInserting images into a Tkinter frame
I’m trying to add an image inside a Frame using the Tkinter through the code below: class Gui(): """ Implements a GUI for Interactive Dictionary app """ def __init__(self, parent): self.parent =…
viewsNameerror: name 'mostrar_urls' is not defined
Good afternoon! I’m trying to develop a project/idea I had, only when I went to put the "menubar" in other "parts of the programme" the program does not "whether" run further, can anyone help me…
viewsFunction to enable and disable Listener
Good afternoon guys, I have the following code that actually works perfectly. However I have an error when I click on "bt1" (boot button) my program crashes. However, it is working on the console.…
viewsTkinter error on a label object
First good afternoon friends, I am developing a POO application in python and my object returned the following error: File "", line 37, in <module>…
viewsPython stopped working, but I think it’s something in the code
I’ve asked a question before about this project... But anyway, I worked on it and added the Menu class, which is a daughter class of the Windows class. Follow the source of the code file.:…
viewsPYTHON - How to pass a parameter?
I’m trying to assemble the game of the copper using python, but I came across a problem that completely blocked my code. I used the Tkinter library and all its functions to create the game, follow…
viewsPYTHON: Nameerror: name "..." is not defined, but I defined the function
I’m trying to make a little snake game out of Python. I used the Tkinter library and, to register the pressing of a key, I used the bind() function that executes an event after a key is pressed. I…
viewsProblems with python 3
Good night! I’m having a small problem with python 3.x on my linux Mint 19.03 Code: #!/usr/bin/env python3 #-*-coding: utf-8-*- from tkinter import * win = Tk() def msg(): m = val.get() Label(win,…
viewsEntry method in Tkinter, Python
Hello, I was trying to get one the numerical value of the Entry method, I got it, with get(), but when turning to float or int, depending on where this one returns me an error. The way it works,…
viewsProblems with a python creation of Grid Tkinter
I’m creating an app using Python 3 and Tkinter and I’m time a problem overlapping the widgets, I can’t see the error in the code. import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk class MainFrame…
viewsPython script to save notepad text
I’m trying to do in python a program that gives some food options to Sario and then saves them in a notepad, but is giving error, what is wrong? error: Exception in Tkinter callback Traceback (Most…
viewsSave application information on exit (Tkinter)
I am making a form by Tkinter and wanted to know how I can save his information if the user closes the application by red X page, so that after he enters again do not need to repeat everything he…
viewsListbox with synchronized selection
Hello! I am studying about Tkinter and I would like to know if it has how to make the two Listbox that I create, have synchronized selection, and also if it is possible to do the same thing with the…
viewsDoubt in Python code using Tkinter
I’m reading Head First Programming in Python and presented the following error in the execution of a proposed program: Traceback (most recent call last): File…
viewsHelp with python Tkinter
Good morning, There’s an extra column, but I can’t figure out where the mistake is. follows the code: from tkinter import* from tkinter import messagebox from tkinter import ttk class arquivo: def…
viewsUpdate label automatically with Tkinter
I would like to take the value 1 and subtract with the value 2 that the user type and update the result label automatically. This way, as the user is typing the result label is already updating. How…
viewsTkinter and class
I am beginner in classes and Tkinter and am having a problem that I think is by little knowledge of me in POO. In the code below, only one label is running, neither buttons nor anything execute,…
viewsHow to change the color of the text outside of a Tkinter function?
I’m trying to change the color of a text outside of a function with Tkinter. I tried to put the label inside the function but keeps overwriting one text on the other. Follows the code. from tkinter…
viewsCreate inputs/selector/radios in Tkinter
Good morning, everyone. I started recently in the games and studies with Python and I’m deepening now with Tkinter to develop some interfaces that interact with the user. I have a code that accesses…
viewsIcon at the top of a window
I need to change the icon in the left corner of a window I created, the code I have as an example is the following, but it doesn’t work:"icone.ico"); How can I do?…
tkinterasked 7 years, 4 months ago Braz Pereira Junior 1 -
viewsError with window creation using Tkinter
that’s the code I’m trying to run: from tkinter import * janela = Tk() janela.mainloop() janela.geometry(450x450) janela.title('calculadora GUI') He would open the window normally before I added…
viewsCreating an Entry formatted for CPF in Python (Tkinter)
I would like to know how would be the application of a formatting in a field Entry, using the tkinter, for the format of CPF numbers, in the case of, XXX.XXX.XXX-XX. I found nothing similar, only…
viewsHow to recover text from a Tkinter widget created with the Guis PAGE generator?
I am trying to create an interface where the user can type a text and save that text in a txt document. To make the process easier, I used a Guis generator called PAGE, which uses the Tkinter…
views:python3 Tkinter Requests: Temporary lock in get('url') with request module!
This is the following I created a script to decrypt hash md5, but when I enter it into Entry 21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3 that is admin and is contained in the Wordlist, it hangs every time when…
viewsTkinter Python screens
from tkinter import * import Saque #Propriedades da Janela Principal JanMenu = Tk() #JanMenu é uma instância da Classe Tk; JanMenu['bg'] = 'white' #Cor de Fundo da Janela = Branco…
viewsinterface, I want her to save her name and phone in a txt list
from tkinter import * class Application: def __init__(self, master=None): self.fontePadrao = ("Arial", "10") self.primeiroContainer = Frame(master) self.primeiroContainer["pady"] = 10…
viewsHow do I import a library that prints something off the Internet and shows it on Tkinter?
I’m doing a graphical interface on Tkinter and I have a library that shows the weather forecast (when I import this library and run the program it already shows me the results). How do I show this…
viewsClose Tkinter window after few seconds
Whoa, guys, I’m having a very simple doubt. I need to close the Tkinter window after a few seconds automatically, someone can help me? Follows the code: from tkinter import * from PIL import…
viewsQuery data in a txt file with python Tkinter
I’m creating a simple system to query employee data stored in a file txt. def read_from_file(): with open('dados.txt') as file: for line in file: line = line.rstrip('\n') nome, matricula,…
viewsHow to make Progressbar in Kinter?
Hello, I wanted to make a progression in Kinter that when it came to the end it would stop, the progress of the progressibar would be activated by a button, but when the button is activated, the…
viewsError when an image is loaded into a second Tkinter - Python window
Hello, I’m developing a small program using tkinter, where, in the first window there is a button that opens a second window where there is an image. However, the program does not carry this image,…
viewsImage reference path in Label Tkinter
I’m training POO in a personal project that I’m developing in showing a window called by a button that shows "samples" of text from a language, showing a flag and text from that language. The…
viewsWhat is the mainloop functionality in the Tkinter frame?
I was trying to make a frame appear on the screen on Tkinter, and after a lot, I tried to check the documentation and saw the name "mainloop", when testing it appeared on the screen, which I did not…
viewsPython - Tkinter Grid
How can I build this layout using Grid? The gray rectangle used place, however, I would like to know how to get the same result using Grid in all elements. from tkinter import * class Main(): def…