Most voted "modal" questions
Modal is a feature where an element (usually windows or dialog boxes) interrupts all other executions of the application/site, until a certain action is performed in this element.
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The modal works perfectly when called on android devices, or descktops, but when it is used by the iphone it simply extends to the end of the screen as if there is no end. SOMEONE COULD HELP ME,…
viewsProblems displaying data in modal with foreach
I am new in PHP and I am having a lot of difficulties in displaying the database information through a modal, I am accessing the database by a foreach, but the problem is that it only displays the…
views404 modal - Error loading template in modalHtml
I am in a system that when you click on the "magnifying glass" is opened a modal with the information of History. But I am getting an error that the HTML page is not being found. Gulp is correct,…
viewsHow do you get inside the Modal as the data in the database leaves input checkbox (checked)?
On my Table in Products in my BD has the field Lawsuits and I made a modal so that the person marks the processes in which the piece may come to suffer, each letter corresponds to a process,…
viewshow to save user’s choice in a Nav-tab modal
I have a modal with some tabs referring to account closure, I need to save the user’s choices, I load types of payments, type of flags etc, each button can have an id, that id I want to save, I just…
viewsForms in Modal Bootstrap
I’m with a system that all forms (Views) are in Modal Bootstrap. The View Index loads all Partialview. Below the Index: By clicking the Register button, for example, a Javascript function accesses…
viewsHow to render a modal on a map using React?
I have an application in React that searches products of an api, I want to render a table where each item has a button that opens the modal and updates (sends a PUT in the API) the product. Only the…
viewsQuery database and display in modal window
I am a beginner in web development and I am developing a small project for the company where I work and I am having difficulties to display in a modal window the bootstrap data returned by an SQL…
viewsPHP- How to pass an id through a modal window
I’m not getting an id to a modal window. Could help me? I’m using a table, which lists all the names and CNPJ’s of registered customers. I created a loop, to show in each row of the table, the…
viewsView data from fetch array in modal - PHP
I’m making a task application with database, in which data is stored in a mysqli_fetch_array and listed in a loop while. When I click on a expand button, which has in the task structure (code…
viewsHow do I include text with the result in my innerHTML modal?
I made a function that calculates the value received by an input and generates a result that should be shown in a modal, the modal appears with the title and the cute span, but the p with the result…
viewsHow to prevent a BODY CSS rule from being reflected in a particular Element contained in it?
I am creating a modal on a page, and as usual I want that when the modal is being rendered, the screen that is "underneath" it is blurred, dark. I have a class that represents my modal, and in it…
viewsScroll does not work in modal!
Ola made a modal using only CSS and Javascript but at the time it reaches 100% of the screen the scroll bar does not work. Follow my HTML and CSS code HTML <div class="btnMsg"> <button…
viewsDjango Createview - Method Not Allowed when trying to register by loading form with Bootstrap Modal
When trying to submit a form to enter in the database I am receiving, in the browser console, the error message Failed to load Resource: the server responded with a status of 405 () when I load my…
viewsModal problems with jquery: Uncaught Typeerror: $(...). modal is not a Function
I don’t know what else I do to try to fix this mistake! Help me, please. NOTE: JQUERY WORKS NORMAL BECAUSE I HAVE VALIDATIONS THERE. ONLY THE MODAL DOESN’T WORK, I DON’T KNOW WHY =/ <!DOCTYPE…
viewsnot working modal and java script and a function
I made a crud that registers and deletes and edits, only in the edit part does not work the modal also part of the code that I think the problems: <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary"…
viewsModal does not open in HTML
Good morning!! I have a modal created on my page, but when I click on the link I referenced it does not work, it just happens nothing. I have it in another page and it works normal, but on this page…
viewsmy script does not work inside the modal
good afternoon, how can I make my script run inside the modal I’m not getting. I made a modal for contact and I can’t call the id of campos in the jQuery someone knows how I can do? codigo js:…
viewsHow to give refresh in modal bootstrap after closing?
When I close the modal, the changes continue until I refresh the page. HTML: <div class="modal fade" id="login" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="TituloModalCentralizado"…
modalasked 5 years, 5 months ago Weslley Filipe 23 -
viewsHow to know which select option was selected after opening the modal?
I am using the routine below to work with various options of the same modal, this is the correct way to do? $(document).ready(function () { $("#btnok").on("click", function () {…
viewsPassing a body value from a modal to a PHP function
Good night, I have the following problem, I have a modal within a system, what I need to do and I’m not getting is to pass the values I read in javascript to a PHP function for in case I "delete"…
viewsModal with Ajax PHP
Hello! I am working with MVC structure and routes and I am trying to open a modal with data from a record to be able to update. For this I created a function in js and put in the update link. This…
viewsHow to load database content into Bootstrap modal window?
I am learning php and I ended up getting a question, that I do not know very well solve, my question is the following: How can I pull data from the database to appear in the modal the result of the…
viewsHow to change the width of the modal bootstrap?
Analyze the image below; You notice that the number field is cut because the modal form needs a larger width, I made these attempts below, but without success. This is my page; <form> <div…