Most voted "laravel-blade" questions
Blade Template Engine is part of the Laravel PHP framework. Blade allows you to use a discrete syntax to write PHP control structures and display the data. Use this tag for questions about problems with Blade syntax and usage.
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viewsBlade view Support
There is some way to add a Count in the Blade. For in the interaction it returns 1 1 0 0 @forelse($surveys as $survey) <p> @forelse($survey->options as $option) {{…
viewsSwap the Welcome view for another in Laravel 5.3
I plan to replace the Welcome view with another one I created with a controller. For better understanding, here’s my attempt that’s not working: Route Route::get('/portal',…
viewsHow to integrate the awesome font in Laravel?
I’m using the awesome font in Windows along with bootstrap, until then used via Link, both css and js. Today I’m migrating to control via npm, but I install and the icon does not appear. They can…
viewsCreate foreach with another foreach result
I have a Course and this course has 1 or several Modules, and each Module has 1 or several disciplines. In my controller I did so: $_modSelecionados =…
viewsHow to pick up the selected data from a checkbox by the checkbox
Hello, all right? I have the following form: <div class="form-group"> <label for="stock_options">Opções de Estoque</label> @foreach($stockOptions as $stockOption) <div…
viewsVariable JS inside html tag inside Laravel Blade
I need to make the value collected in the option, complete the action of my form. It would be something similar to this idea, but is not returning the desired. <form class="form-horizontal"…
viewsPass view data array to Laravel controller
I’m trying to pass an array of mine view for a controller (it will generate a pdf) in Laravel. I know there’s a chance I could do it this way: <form class="form-horizontal" method="get"…
views$imoveis is Undefined, indefinite variable in Blade
The variable $imoveis in Blade is undefined, for me it is correct in the code. @extends('layouts.main') @section('title', 'Web Room') @section('content') <h1>Imoveis web</h1> <div…
viewsLaravel 8 - bootstrapswitch - Change output before sending to Bank
Next people I’m new to Laravel and I’m half crazy with that kkk Help I am sending a Form to my Database and using a bootstrapswitch checkbox. Follow my INPUT: <div class="col-md-12 col-xs-12">…
php javascript laravel-eloquent laravel-blade laravel-8asked 3 years, 11 months ago Isac Bandeira 11 -
viewsHow do I create a counter inside a FORELSE or FOREACH in Laravel?
I am displaying a list of system members. But I would like to display only 10 members using the syntax @forelse in Laravel. How do I implement a counter that displays only the first 10 records in…
viewsBrowse Array with foreach PHP Laravel
Hello I have the following array that is coming from a Collection of Laravel [ {"id":1,"providence_management_id":4,"email":"[email protected]"},…
viewsLARAVEL 5.3 Blade template is not updating the page
Good morning. I’m a beginner in the PHP Laravel framework and I’m having the following difficulty: I write my html inside my .blade.php file and call it in a view on Route but the information I…
viewsLaravel - Popular a list with files in a directory
I would like to popular a list on a Blade page in the Laravel Framework. I tried to do <select id="idSelMinhaLista"> @if(isset($arrayRemessa)) @for($i=0;$i < count($arrayRemessa);$i++)…
viewsUndefined variable: message Laravel
I have the following problem in the Windows view $message is undefined in the whole variable $message and standard at least as indicated in the documentation in the validation part of Forms Blade…
viewsLaravel 7, several variables in the same View
Good morning, I’m developing a little project on Laravel 7 and I’m having a little trouble. This is the first time I have used Foreign key and several variables in the same Controller and View…
viewsLaravel : Add fields in two tables (Related Tables)
I have a problem in Laravel where I have two related tables. I have a form for Tabela1 (Chapter) and a form for table 2 (documentation) I can add "Chapters" without interfering with the other table.…