Most voted "html" questions
Use this tag when the question refers to some resource, information or problem related exclusively to the HTML language (Hypertext Markup Language). HTML is the main markup language used to structure web pages and format content. The latest revision of the HTML specification is HTML5.
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viewsSave value I already selected in combobox
I would like to save with the data that is already selected but does not work, I have to put in yes and then go back to no Method handleChange(e) { let obj=Object.assign({},this.state.area)…
viewsReplace PHP with Javascript and Node JS
It is possible to program the web completely without PHP, using Javascript and Node JS? Beyond Html and clear CSS;
viewsFooter to position himself when he has a lot of content and when he has a little
Hello, my footer ta with a small problem, when I have a lot of content on the site, it is well positioned at the bottom of the page, already when it has little content, it gets centered, wanted a…
viewsHow can I change the style of an html tag using another html tag in css?
So people I am making a menu and wanted to discard the use of javascript with this I would like to make that when I pressed the mouse on the menu icon automatically my #content element would win a…
views"Solved" Text spacing in HTML table
Good afternoon, I am using html with bootstrap 5.0 and I have a doubt in reducing the space between the text within the "td", as I increase the font size, this space increases. <tr> <td…
viewsMenu with upper margin
So I’m creating a page and I want to put a menu, but before it is creating a top margin. How do I take it? <div class="barra"> <p>asdaosdhs</p> </div> .barra{…
viewsDeck cards with css only
Good morning I was trying to make a deck of cards all grouped together and when you do Hover with the mouse the card stands up 50px and up and forward z-index to come forward. My problem is that…
viewsHTML in Visual Studio Code
Is there any shortcut/technique to place <p> and </p> in a Visual Studio Code line? Just as Ctrl+ ; turns the line into a comment…
viewsUpdate edits all information instead of just one specific, when I put Where to an edit specifies nothing is edited, what to do?
I’m making a code where the person adds records on the site that are shown to her in list on a table, on each line there’s a button to edit, when I edit some information all other records are…
viewsHow do I use two or more colors in the same line of text?
Good morning everyone, I’m starting to venture into php and html. My question is, if possible html read several Hex color code in one line, mixing them! For example Let’s assume I have a php…
viewsPHP redirect within HTML
I’m trying to change web pages, but the code doesn’t work: header("Location:info_relatorio_estoque.php");
viewsCode to show current announcer name online (on air:)
blz? I am new in programming and I would like your help in making a code, script or something like that that shows the name of the online speaker at the moment or current programming in a Web Radio,…
viewsMy site in responsive mode is scrolling, which creates a white side left on mobile
My site has a white side in responsive mode, where it is possible to drag the page sideways. I don’t know anything about programming and the like... could help me?
htmlasked 3 years, 5 months ago Diego Meirelles 1 -
viewssql query returning false
I have a digital catalog that works normally on my local server, but when I go up to my hostgator hosting it returns me the following error: PHP Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to…
viewsWhy is my project on githubpages behaving differently than it is on my machine? This is the project on github pages. What is on my machine behaves perfectly when I resize the screen, but when it went to the pages the…
viewsHelp with an HTML and CSS project
I wanted to know how to put my items centered on the header they just stay down and wanted to put google maps next to my form. I’m a beginner and I’m trying to do this project, but I’ve tried to put…
viewsHow can I insert two videos with HTML next to each other and play them both at the same time?
<html> <body> <video> <source src="teste.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video> <video> <source src="teste.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video> </body>…
viewsHow to clear the value of an INPUT after selecting the radiobutton?
I have two radiobuttons, which have the function of showing/hiding a input each, these two inputs cannot receive values together, only the input that is within the radiobutton selected, would like…
viewsTake value from a cell in jquery
This button has an ONCLICK event that calls a function. Theoretically, it is already in a line, it would only need the VALUE of a cell. Obs: Addresses is the ID of tbody and the TEST is the CELULA…
viewsModal problems with jquery: Uncaught Typeerror: $(...). modal is not a Function
I don’t know what else I do to try to fix this mistake! Help me, please. NOTE: JQUERY WORKS NORMAL BECAUSE I HAVE VALIDATIONS THERE. ONLY THE MODAL DOESN’T WORK, I DON’T KNOW WHY =/ <!DOCTYPE…
viewshow I style H1 with an image
I have the following problem, I have a h1 and I need to put an image in it, then the original image of 833 x 56, well I put right through the h1 with the following code <img…
viewsForeach group values
I have the following code foreach ($_POST['codmunicipio'] as $key => $valor2) { $codmunicipio = $valor2; $valor_ipl3_f = $_POST['IPL3_valor_F']; $valor_ipl3_j = $_POST['IPL3_valor_J']; $sql3 =…
viewsStore select value fed by SQL and change the WHERE query
I need the user to select a date in the combo box, change the value of the variable corresponding to the period in WHERE, to show the table only of the corresponding period. SELECT <select…
viewsWhy does the PHP script not run if opened by the pc, but runs if opened in localhost?
Already I warn you that I am not with any problem and, alias, I just solved one that refers to this question but anyway, I wanted to know (out of curiosity) why a php script does not run if I open…
viewsI can’t change the color of a div, I think I did something wrong that is preventing it (the div I speak is the .div_barra_search)
<html> <head> <meta charset="utf8"> <title>google</title> <style> .div1{ padding-top: 8px; text-align: right; } .textos-top{ text-decoration: none; font-family:…
viewsH3 inside table email marketing
Talk guys, I need to apply an H3 inside a table, on a td but at its bottom position. Because I have an image and I need to play a title for the image. I tried with the position application but it…
viewsIntroducing formulas in the web application
Greetings! I am developing a web application, with the tools (HTML+CSS+JAVASCRIPT){Bootstrap}+PHP+Mysql. It is a kind of teacher’s notebook, and at some point the teacher will have to introduce the…
viewsCode error to place watermark
Error mark water in pdf exists in this code ? index document.php <?php session_start(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="pt-br"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta…
viewsDelete table data with no need to reload page to update
I have a table with data of a certain equipment, above the table has a field where the equipment number is inserted and quantity, the other information comes from the bank through the equipment…
viewsDifficulty checking php data with mysql
I’m trying to check the bank to know if you already have a user with registered email typed by hmtl, I did this php script, but the execution always stops at the first if even if the email typed is…
viewsWhen recording caught a bad request using angular 6
When I try to record in the bank, I get error (400) bad request, when I insert by Postman two fields of the type of an object returns an empty array([]). I’m sure the sending of the data is wrong,…
viewsPHP variable in Javascript
The simple and practical method I found here in Stack of passing a PHP variable to a JS has worked well so far. However, with a certain content it only works if I feed this PHP variable, but let…
viewsCreate custom interactive HTML banner Hover overlay style
Hello, I would like to create a banner in the style Overlay Hover similar to the one found on this site: Basically, when you move the mouse over the image, the…
viewsOpening outer page without refresh
How can I show a link or div by clicking one without refresh on the page <li> <a data-toggle="collapse" href="#pagesExamples"> <i class="pe-7s-gift"></i> <p>Comprar BCC…
viewsProblem trying to perform a calculation
I try to print the W variable on the screen, but I think the js code has some error that does not allow it. How to fix? Javascript function calcular() { var p =…
viewsPhpmailer not taking form value
So, I have an example registration form to test Phpmailer, only that PHP is not accepting the form ID shows the error: Undefined index HTML and PHP are just below: <?php //ATENÇÃO ESSE TIPO DE…
viewsHow to update a div every x seconds?
Follow a part of the html code, I need to update this div (#line1) every x seconds without using php. It can be with jquery, ajax, js or all together. I don’t want to just change a div ("altered…
viewsRead JS file before PHP
Just a question, I made an HTML sign-up screen, and created a Javascript file where checks the amount of password and if the passwords are equal. And I made a file receives.php, where will send the…
viewsPHP error - "}" Appears on page
I created a list in PHP, but for some reason "}" appears all the time a new data is added in the list, what I can do to remove this bracket? Note: When I try to remove "}" from line 35 PHP returns…
viewsHow to take out the white space in this html
]1 I tried to put height:100% but nothing changed <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ asset('assets/css/frontend/ficha_emergencia.css') }}" />…
viewsInput field completed according to the selected select
I have a list of options on the tag select, and I want to show a specific text in a field input, depending on the option chosen in the field select. If the option "TRANSPARENT" or "FROSTED" is…
viewsPeople my code keeps giving the error: Notice: Undefined variable: connects in C: xampp htdocs network profile.php on line 25
My code and this one <?php include("header.php"); $id = $_GET["id"]; $saberr = mysqli_query($conecta, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id='$id'"); $saber = mysqli_fetch_assoc($saberr); $email =…
viewsWebsite with centralized content but out of conjunction with the background
I have my website ready, however, I wanted to change something that has been bothering me for a long time. I am having some difficulty to leave the site divided in two layers, I will try to…
viewsList all data of an API in numerical list (Array)
I have this Array: [tracks] => Array ( [data] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [title] => Amiga Da Minha Mulher [artist] => Array ( [name] => Seu Jorge ) ) [1] => Array ( [title] =>…
viewsTo disable textarea when select is set to value false
I would like to disable the textarea if select is false, and enable if select is true. I was trying to do for DOM, but I did not succeed, below this code I have, in case someone can help me. <div…
viewsChange tab title with script, how do you do?
I want to appear only the name of the product without the name of the site, as I use a platform ready not to edit the tag <title>, so I need to use a script to do this. At the moment appears…
viewsHow to insert an image via CSS?
Follow my HTML code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="pt-br"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"/> <title>web page</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type='text/css'…
viewsHow do I make a URL open when the person presses a certain key?
<html lang="pt-br"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <link rel="icon" a href=""> <script> var titulo = "- teste -" var titulo…
viewsReplace php include for javascript
I am making a website that I am required to use HTML, CSS and Javascript at most. It’s just that many things I need Php I can’t use. So I’ve been searching for a synonym of include() and found the…
viewsPHP concatenation in the selection field
Follow my question regarding concatenation in PHP in the code below: <td>{{$projeto->situacao_projeto == 'AA' ? 'Aguardando Autorização' : 'AP' ? 'Aprovado' :'CS' ? 'Cancelado Suspenso' :…