Most voted "excel" questions
Microsoft Excel is a commercial spreadsheet application written and distributed by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X that allows advanced use of mathematical formulas and functions and statistics. For questions about programming in VBA Excel, also use the excel-vba tag. Note that non-programming issues are within the scope of the Stack Overflow, for example those involving the basic use of the tool.
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viewsActive X buttons
I have a button (Activex - Commandbutton) on a spreadsheet that I would like to change color by hovering the mouse up. I did the following the code below, it even changes color but does not return…
viewsHow do I change by vba the height of an image in Powerpoint WITHOUT changing the width?
In my code I do so to make the width of my image equal to the slide, but this way changes the height proportionally, and I do not want this. 'Criar Slide 2 Set ppSlide = Apr.Slides.Add(2,…
viewsHow to delete lines in openpyxl with conditions?
I’m trying to delete lines that have data repeated this way: nome = sheet['I2'].value for coluna in sheet.iter_cols(min_col=9, max_col=9, min_row=3): for celula in coluna: if celula.value == nome:…
viewsPass a multiline Textbox to vertical listbox (excel - vba)
Good afternoon guys, I have a textbox for registering production orders, multiline textbox to add up to 10 orders in the same box, but when releasing this data from the textbox to listbox they do…
viewsIt is possible to make a system that when you press a button adds one more in excel
I am making a system in Python for a bakery at each sale the user clicks on the button and adds one in a certain cell in an excel spreadsheet, I wanted to know how does this system add another…
viewsHow to close an Excel application in C #
I have this c# function that converts an excel file into another excel format, the problem is that when the application runs it does not end with the _app quit function.(); The excel application is…
viewsModify Sheet killer to just clean sheet content and not erase it completely
I’m using the following code I got here on the site Sub Listar_Pastas() '''''''''''''''''''' '==== Pastas ====' '''''''''''''''''''' Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual…
viewsFormula R1C1 Macro Error 1004
I have a macro to apply a formula to some cells. To be able to have the formula in VBA format I recorded the macro to generate it, but when I ran the macro it runs error 1004... U…
viewsHow to export data from a database to a CSV file?
Hello, I would like to know how data could be exported from a database to an Excel spreadsheet, not necessarily need a code that does this, but I would like to know which languages can be used,…
viewsImport excel to multiple tables - PHP and MYSQL (codeigniter)
Hello, with the function below, I can import the data from an excel spreadsheet to the database, via PHP. To tables client contains the following fields: `id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name`…
viewsExcel Cell with VBA
Hello, I’m trying to finish an excel spreadsheet with VBA, but I’m not able to capture an image after data insertion. For example: click user and he show the photo of the person and also the full…
viewsHow to copy data from one spreadsheet to another with VBA
I have a problem to copy data from one spreadsheet to another, because either it does not run or simply does not copy, so, now I am using the code below, but it gives error in the definition of lr,…
viewsInsert blank line in vba email code
Good morning, I’m having a problem creating the vba code, I can insert an e-mail body line, put the second line, but when I trigger the email, what should be the second line is together with the…
excelasked 4 years, 8 months ago Rodrigo Silveira 1 -
viewsHow to change the color of These bars? I’m using an Excel API for Javascript
var dataRange = sheet.getRange(range); var chart = sheet.charts.add("ColumnClustered", dataRange, "Rows"); chart.axes.valueAxis.minorUnit = 0.2; // chart.axes.valueAxis.format.font. // 12% // +--+…
viewsHow to make a "hierarchical conditional formatting" in Excel 2010?
i need to program a "hierarchical conditional formatting" in Excel 2010, based on two entries: the cell format on the left and whether the value belongs to a given range or not. To understand better…
viewsHow to compare two separate columns in excel and check if the data of one is inside another?
If you could help me with this case, I’d really appreciate it. I am trying to make a column with the comparison filter between two columns of excel, returning the value that are common to the two…
viewsRead string from one column and return values in another in vba
Hello, I don’t know much about VBA and wanted to know if someone could help me. I would like to know how I can take a string from a column(e.g., A), read its data and return it in a new column. In…
viewsI am trying to fill out a form in vba and will not pq?
someone knows how to fill a google Forms with vba , I got a few lines but it does not fill everything ,I can fill, no inspect elements appears filled but does not fill in the page Public Sub…
viewsDate filter service range in holiday plan
Good evening friends, I have a scale of service in excel that is daily and I have a camp for departures ( vacation), I need to create a filter where only appear in such field professionals who are…
viewsProcess automation - Excel - VBA
I am trying to automate a process of my service. However while running the code it says that "A variável do objeto ou a variável do bloco 'With' não foi definida". What I’d like him to do is: That…
viewsHow to fetch values from other spreadsheets in the same XSLX using Phpspreadsheet?
I’m making an import of products where I first Gero a model. The template file comes with four spreadsheets: Worksheet -> Standard Sheet for Product Data Fill Environment -> List of…
viewsPython - print blank cells in excel
Hello, I am developing an automation to check in an excel spreadsheet which customers did not make the payment. The code itself works, but only shows me the last column of the spreadsheet, which in…
viewsVBA reverses day with month in variables of type Date
Context: I have the following code that receives from the user a date: dataAtualDefault = Day(Date) & "/" & Month(Date) & "/" & Year(Date) dataInsercao = Application.InputBox("Data…
viewsCondition in VBA if Date reported in Textbox is Higher or Lower
I have a macro for the Date that the user entered in Textbox, for minor that the date of a cell of a given row, I will make a change in the information of a column of this row. Sub test() Dim data…
viewsvba data conversion
I have a macro that takes a file inside a folder, converts it from txt with fixed width to csv and saves it in another folder. I get about 400 to 450 files in this format for conversion, the macro…
viewsCalling module inside another module in VBA Excel
I am having some problems to import one module inside another in my VBA code. Basically, I have a work order spreadsheet where I have a macro button in the range of options that I have customized in…
viewsBecause VBA returns #value error
Hello I have the following vba code which is a function that takes three parameters and calculates the functions Bult-in trend and rquad and depending on the result it returns trend or the average…
viewsSearch by name in spreadsheet C#?
I am trying to do a name search inside an Excel spreadsheet, by code works normal, but I would like to search by name, when I do the search with the abix code, returns the error: private void…
viewsc# - Update excel spreadsheet with textbox text
I’m trying to update a spreadsheet data by textbox. I tried the code below and it did not generate any exception, but did not update the spreadsheet. private void button2_Click(object sender,…
viewsMacro to copy and put using VBA Excel
I am learning VBA to streamline my service in the company, but I am stuck in the following part: I was developing a macro that in theory would make the following path: 1° Move mouse to A2 cell 2°…
viewsCopy table data sequentially with VBA
Good morning! I really need help. I’ve been doing an indicator for meeting minutes. Throughout these meetings the worker writes the minutes in the inclusive excel table problems or improvement…
viewsMsgbox when he can’t find the search doesn’t show up
Msgbox in bold does not work. Or when it works it does not take the data located. sub MSIAPE() Application.Screenupdating = False Dim MSIAPE As String Dim Celula As Range Dim Valor Dim Assunto As…
viewsSend Email formatted Python
Good afternoon, I’m in need of some help regarding python and pandas. I need to generate a weekly ranking from some reports I extract from the system, the data I’m able to query but I need me to…
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viewsExport Table to Excel ANGULAR 9
I wonder what I might be doing wrong in my code. I need to export the table to Excel, but when I do that the table is empty, I have no idea where I went wrong. Follows the code: "code html"…
viewsStandardize spreadsheets in open office
I have an open office spreadsheet file with 27 spreadsheets inside. All sheets are equal, 3 columns, title, nothing else. I need a way to format all worksheets at once. - line width - header color -…
viewsChange matrix structure
How to change the structure of an array? It can be using excel or via programming. I have already made my solution with Java but it was a lot :). Also not generic enough. Is there a Pattern design,…
viewsCommunication between spreadsheets
I have a spreadsheet where there are indicators that are updated daily. I would like to somehow send this spreadsheet to a client and when I update some sheet information, on my computer,…
viewsHow to add a Textbox dynamically using VB
How to add a Textbox dynamically, whenever the Userform (List Data Combination or Validation Box) is equal to "Outro (Especificar)", using VB ? I’m lost, I’m new to making macros and forms, using…
viewsIs it possible to add a conditional to a combobox options? VBA
0 I am developing a form by VBA Userform and would like to generate a conditional on it. I got two Combobox. The first allows choosing between only two cases, A and B. I would like the second to…
viewsHow to Filter specific values with Excel and add them in another table?
I wanted to filter only the letters "A" from the table on the left and add in the table on the right, bring all the letters "A" to the table on the right, according to the amount that each column(1…
excelasked 5 years, 9 months ago Elienay Junior 527 -
viewsSame data set, two lines, two equations, on the same graph?
My data fits easily by a straight line, but even better by 2, dividing the data. I need to divide the data into 2 parts, thus: concentrations (x) up to 700 ppm and concentrations > or = 700 ppm.…
viewsHow to modify this programming to accept letters and numbers?
Private Sub TNumero_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger) If (KeyAscii < 44 Or KeyAscii > 57) Then If KeyAscii <> 8 Then If KeyAscii <> 13 Then KeyAscii = 0 MsgBox "É…
viewsVBA Automation Development - Loop Error Handling
I am developing an automation in VBA that accesses a certain site and takes some information from it, however I’m having a problem in this. The site (Santander - Benner) is very badly done, many…
viewsMacro does not send emails
My macro does not send emails... it has the following options, open Outlook and do not send email, or send... but it just opens and does not send.. **' VERIFICAR SE DEVE ENVIAR OU APENAS EXIBIR O…
viewsExcel - ZIP code range
I have a list of zip codes, being the initial and final track that will determine the location, I named the A column as "ONE" and the B column as "TWO", and I made a PROCV + SE +E, that is if the…
excelasked 3 years, 6 months ago José Paschoal De Paula Vidiri 1 -
viewsloadWorkbook - R
Good afternoon, I am developing a code that performs the update of a spreadsheet called BD of a file . xlsx This file has several tabs, each with its specific formatting. I am having trouble keeping…
viewsControl new Google Chrome tab with Selenium VBA
I’m writing a code to liquidate some operations on a website. Directly from excel, through VBA, using the SELENIUM library, I wrote a code to log in and fill in fields with information directly from…
viewsGet values for a new line on a graph
I have an Excel sheet where every day I add a new line with the values of the Brent quotation and other indicators. These same values are then updated in a line chart. It turns out that whenever I…
excelasked 4 years, 10 months ago RekcsGaming 1 -
viewsExcell VBA quickly corrseponde the other in another spreadsheet
need to run a macro depending on the selected cell. all the information is in the same column "E", but when it is for example for E4 I need the selected cell to correspond to another value in…