Most voted "css" questions
Cascading Style Sheets (or simply CSS) is a style language used to define the presentation of documents written in a markup language, such as HTML or XML. Its main benefit is to provide the separation between the format and content of a document.
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viewswould like to know how to position list with links next to images with html and css
body{ background-image:url("backgorund.png"); background-color: #cccccc; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 800px; position:middle; } #nome{ font-size:35px; left:60px; top:10px;…
viewsI cannot perform my dropdown menu
In this situation I cannot position the elements <li> below computer responsibly. I am in the mood to create a dropdown menu but have no idea how to position the <li's> below my computer…
viewsDiv does not center
.container-form { width: 300px; height: 300px; background-color: rgb(22, 20, 20); position: relative; } .filha { width: 100px; height: 100px; background-color: azure; position: absolute; top: 50%;…
viewsSubmit with animation - Hover Effect
I’m making a "delete account" button where there’s an animation of blood drops falling. But I would like to make the animation start only when someone hovers over the top (Hover). Could someone help…
viewsHow to streamline the color of a text in a cell of an HTML table, using Javascript
$(function() { var texto = $("#question_list tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(4)").text(); var result = (texto); if (result=="Respondido"){ $("#answers").css("background","#FF0000"); }else…
viewsstylization of other files
Good night! I’m new here in the stack and have little experience with React and Styled-Components. I have an excerpt of stylization below that I want to reuse in another part of my code without…
viewsI need an SVG image to be fixed to a corner of a Div of varying size
wanted to know how to make an image (svg) get "stuck" to a corner of a div... ex: I have DIV (purple) and SVG (red) where the DIV has a standard width and it n grows more than that, already at the…
viewsButton alignment
I am doing an integrative project of SENAI that I am attending, and my site is based on the game The Division 2. I want to align the buttons of the last news but I’m not getting, I would like to…
viewsIcon fa-aligned icons
I have a question: When listing this menu, the arrow icon (Angle) is on the left side, but I wanted it to be on the right side. I tried some alignments but without success. How could I do it? I can…
cssasked 3 years, 6 months ago Sr. André Baill 6,946 -
viewsStylization of CSS form
I need to leave the form in the middle of the page, without these lines that extend to the other side: * { margin: 0; padding: 0; } #titulo { font-family: sans-serif; color: #380b61; margin-left:…
viewsProblems with stylization
The idea is, when the user adds the ingredients it will format the way I want it to To using Ionic and Angular Follow the images below Here the user would add the ingredients It was supposed to look…
viewsHow to position elements outside the container using bootstrap?
in my example I need to put an image out The code is like this <div class="img-mobile"> <img src="{{asset('assets/front/img/contato/jeep-img.jpg')}}" alt="Imagem do carro Jeep"> /*aqui a…
viewsHow to center text
I’m having a huge difficulty to center texts vertically and horizontally inside the box, I’ve tried using position, text align, justify-items, text-align and I did not succeed. I only get it when…
viewsDynamic progressibar
Good morning, I need to unite two progressbar, or at least leave the two closer together, but in any way I try I can not, I will make a comparison: <mat-card fxFlex="100""66.66">…
viewsMultiple Images Binary
Hello person I’m having a problem, I have to select 3 different images (* currently only taken 1 as per image below) and add them in an array however this array has to be with binary images, I did…
viewsHow to properly adjust SVG
Good morning, you guys! I’d like some help, I’m taking my dick to use svg. Basically I want to put a svg and put content inside it, but I know it doesn’t expand like a div, so I put a div…
viewsUnknown code in HTML page
I’m doing a basic project to put the learning into practice. I have a very strange problem, which is this code appearing next to my content, on the browser page. It appears whenever I select the…
viewsAlignment of elements in the header
I’m a programmer and I haven’t manipulated for a long time HTML/CSS, now I need to create a portal for a small application and I’m having difficulty in some issues related to the alignment of…
viewsI couldn’t get the buttons to work, I want them to pass the images
<div class="carousel"> <div class="carouselbox"> <img src="./imagem/mini1.jpg" class="item" align="left" border="5" /> <img src="./imagem/mini2.jpg" class="item" align="left"…
viewsedges around items
hello, I am developing a site in html and css and I want to put a header with a logo and below that a navigation menu but whenever I put the elements are some white borders around have a solution…
viewsfloating form box on the Carousel (how to do
Friends, I need help. I’m taking a test for dev. And I need to put the form box fixed on top of Carousel but I’ve already researched everything and I couldn’t. I wonder if you could help me? I…
viewsHow to make multiple themes for a website?
How multiple themes work on a website? I have themeRED.css e themeBlue.css Do I have to save the css location to the bank? or there’s an easier way ?
viewsSlider Jquery UI
I am developing a slider where I need to show 4 images at a time, 2 at the top and 2 at the bottom, using jquerUI slider, I made an example in jsfiddle, but I am only able to put all in line,…
viewsHow to make an element responsive
I’m having problems with an element on my website, it gets normal on the computer, more on smaller resolutions (mobile phones), it doesn’t get responsive. Below are some prints: As it is in the…
cssasked 10 years, 9 months ago Alexandre Lopes 2,769 -
viewsCustomizable Audio Player
I am developing the front end of a website, and I need an audio player that I can customize without problems, any tips? Preferably run on IE as well.
cssasked 10 years, 8 months ago Felipe Viero Goulart 3,693 -
viewsWarp Shadow - CSS
I’m trying to make a warp shadow effect on my div but I’m not getting it, someone can help me?
viewsRepeat Block with animation - CSS - PHP
I have an animation on my site, and I need to duplicate it, I mean, I need to create more of a "square" with the animation, without it conflicting with another: WEBSITE from a glance down there, and…
viewsTable shows neither rows nor columns with bootstrap
I’m trying to make a table with bootstrap. It turns out that some things don’t work. The size of the TD’s are always the same. I can’t create rows to separate rows and columns, like a grid. I took a…
viewsChecklistbox using bootstrap
I need to create a checklistbox using bootstrap. I tried several ways and could not. I searched on the bootstrap site and the examples there, I did not cosegui also do here in my project. I need…
viewsDropdown Nav, with menu and submenus centered: what mistake am I making?
I have a small problem centering a submenu of a dropdown menu. The following example is quite simple, but it illustrates my problem: <ul id="menu"> <li>Menu1 <li>Menu2 <ul>…
viewsSingle font font problem
I’m having trouble with a source on a website I’m developing. The name of the source is Modern No 20, I did her font-face and it’s not working. My code is correct? @font-face { font-family:…
cssasked 10 years ago Felipe Viero Goulart 3,693 -
viewsTag DIV exceeding width
I have my portfolio and I have some <div> is estourando the width, but not found. Link to the website in the image the overflow…
viewsResponsive site, how to test and set @media?
Well, nowadays every professional website should be responsive, and I doubt that. Initially, is there any offline tool to simulate this? For example: simulate access to multiple resolutions, etc? I…
viewsLink without using href
Is there any way to use links without the tag <a href>. For example <a href="exemplo">exemplo</a> there’s another way to do this?
viewsDisplay a DIV when you see that it has a background color
I need to know how to display a DIV only if it has a BACKGROUND color selected, if it does not have it, it remains hidden. Because I have a color palette in CSS and when I select a color, the hidden…
viewsHow to align all the elements of a form in the center?
I’m trying to align the elements of a form in the center and leave the tag label in the left part of the fields, this way: HTML: <form> <label for="info">Seu Texto</label>…
viewsWhat is this unknown space?
Website: Here is the problem shown: The other question was I who posted, posted again because I have not yet had an…
viewsWhat is the name of this effect?
I would like to know the name of this effect. Where has ALL, IDENTITY, LOGO and PRINT. By clicking on each item, the images are separated by categories. Click here to access…
viewsTable standardization
In that table there are the description of 5 rounds, I would like to know how to define a specific round to put on the site, for example every time I open the page will always be in round 1, to go…
viewsProblems with the CSS
I am new here and am programming in CSS,me problem is the following: I can do and place the codes normally in the sublime text, but when it comes to seeing the result in the browser it does not…
cssasked 8 years, 6 months ago Paulo Henrique 3 -
viewsShow only div daughter with jQuery
I need to attack the div comentarioPost and make only the div of the respective post appear. I simulated some comments to test, then they’ll come from the bank with the other information. How do I…
viewsArrow in menu with CSS and apparent when clicked
I’m trying to do almost the same as what was described in this other question: Arrow in menu with CSS only. But with one small difference: when you click the button that is marked as selected. Show…
viewsWhy css is not working
I need you to help adjust, there must be some mistake to get this big... I need this top-of-the-page notification. Without interfering with the other texts. In case I want the notification to be…
viewsForm validation
Create the CSS style class called "invalid", whose formatting is to have the following background color: #A00 and white text. Change the form validation so that, if a form field is invalid, assume…
viewsHow to change the colors of Notes using javascript according to the result
I have a database where I insert my students' grades. But I would like these notes to be shown in the virtual bulletin as follows: Banknotes from 0 to 25 = Red Banknotes from 26 to 50 = Yellow…
viewsAlign texts with different Ivs on the same line
Hello, I have a problem, I created a popup only for newsletter, but when passing it to html, with css, I needed to use 2 Divs (I tried to use all possible forms, fonts, p, span) different to change…
viewsMenu change color and description when selected
Hello, I was trying to create a menu that when selected it changes color, but when selecting another its color goes back to normal and the other activates the color. Also when selected, the base…
viewsresponsive menu with jQuery and css
Galera I set up a menu that appears when placing the cursor over the letter B. The problem is that when it is aligned to the left the menu disappears in the corner of the page. If I remove the line…
viewsOpen a banner when you visit the site
I need to put an image to open automatically when accessing the site, but I’m kind of lost in it.
viewsSlide JQUERY 100% screen EXAMPLE
I’m doing a full screen slide, but I find that in other monitors the image and the text gets bigger/smaller. I’d like to leave him one size fits all. Vi this site below, I found it very interesting.…