Most voted "combobox" questions
Combobox allows you to select an option from several (similar to a list box), however only the selected item is displayed by default (reducing the space of the occupied one on the screen). Use this tag for questions that are specific to this user interface control d/component, regardless of the technology used.
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viewsFill in Jtextfield from jComboBox
I have a. txt file with strings like this: luis;123;456;789;11/11/1111 The first part of my problem was popular jComboBox only with the first value (name), I managed to do some good, but now I need…
viewsHow to manipulate Combobox
Hello personal I have 2 combobox and I have 1 (one) file with texts and subtexts text 1 <001>ola <002>Hi text2 <001>house <002>hospital .... I want to load this information…
viewsAddall items in combobox
I have a ComboBox, and I am trying to put items (string values) but it is not accepting. I did it this way: private ComboBox<?> meuCombo; public void combos() { meuCombo.getItems().addAll("A",…
viewsStyle Bootstrap 4 select combo box
boostrap 4 combo box styling is possible ? <div class="form-group"> <select class="form-control pesquisa__select col-12"> <option>teste 01</option> <option>teste…
viewsput MYSQL data in my form combobox using class and php
I want to load in the COMBOBOX of the user registration maintenance form the user NAME data coming from MYSQL. I have a method below that does the query in mysql database and returns an array public…
viewsHelp with COMBOBOX, Select cities according to chosen state
I am programming a php application and I have all the states and cities of Brazil in the Mysql database. In the table States have: id, nome, uf. In the table Cities have: id, nome, id_estado. I…
viewsCombobox already selected with database value
I have some combobox in the area of editing user information and I need to pull the data already selected previously by the user at registration time. I tried to do with the foreach but it didn’t…
viewsFunction to check combobox and select an appropriate Regexp
How can I insert a function that checks the optionlist and after that checks the regexp of the banks below? There are 8 digits allowed in regexp to check the account in each bank, I do not know how…
viewsData conversion using Combobox
Hello, I’m having trouble dealing with an error in my program. I have two combobox inside a registration panel. When executing already appears the list of products and customers, but the code field…
viewsIs it possible to add a conditional to a combobox options? VBA
0 I am developing a form by VBA Userform and would like to generate a conditional on it. I got two Combobox. The first allows choosing between only two cases, A and B. I would like the second to…
viewsC# popular a combo box with variable double
That make a combo box with various height values but my code does not run, the result only adds 1.47: for(double i = 1.47; i <= 2.00; i++) { cbxExemplo.Itens.Add(i); }…
viewsPopular Datagridview Editable C#
I made a Product Type Editing Form where he has a Usercontrol with the list of Additional Field Types. In the add method everything is right. In Usercontrol has an editable Datagridview where I…
viewsFill a multiline-textbox with all items in a combobox list
And you guys are fine ? As I can Fill a textbox with all items in a combobox list in a textbox, and combobox items can be variables come from different places. Stayed like this Code : For Each Linha…