Most voted "bootstrap-3" questions
Bootstrap is a free collection of tools for creating websites and web applications. Use this tag only when the subject is related to this version of the framework.
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viewsExisting dropdown menu (no bootstrap) stopped working after bootstrap library use
I have in the client’s page a dropdown menu that the client does not want to exchange. I had to insert a modal on the page and used bootstrap, it worked well. The problem is that the client dropdown…
viewsCSS - Bootstrap min
When I open the CSS for editing bootstrap.min is a massage without tabulation. You can fix it? I would like to do a simple editing in the font of a class and even identifying the line by inspecting…
viewsCollapse menu on desktop
I followed as in this example But on the page my result was:…
viewsHow do I search a combo field as I type the text?
I have a combo field with over 2,000 records. It’s hard to select what I need. I am in need of something (Bootstrap?) that as I type a part of the word the combo will position itself in the typing…
viewsDelete database record with ajax+spring boot+Thymeleaf
Good afternoon! I am trying to delete an item in my view, which is in a bootstrap table. I am using Thymeleaf + bootstrapna frontend. The idea is to take the id and move to a modal window of the…
viewsBreaking Bootstrap Columns
I’m making a structure with bootstrap, according to the "laws" of bootstrap one should use col-xs-12 col-md-12 I’m making 2 main columns with columns inside, example: CODEPEN EXAMPLE the right…
viewsPass id to Modal Form from Bootstrap
I have a link that comes from a while in php and receives several lines of IDs. while puts id’s in the variable $dataid=$row['id']; Receive the IDs on the link $sql = "SELECT, u.username,…
viewsHow to put more than one link on the same button?
How can I put more than one link on the same button? Kind of a dropdown. Example: ps: I use Wordpress.…
viewsAngular 8 - ngxTextHighlight
Expensive, I’m starting with Angular now and it’s been a long time since I developed for front-end. And I’m having some doubts that I’d like to ask the community for help. So come on. I have a page…
viewsAlign text after choosing an option in select
Hello, Guys, I need some help lining up texts. I have a select with a list of cities, in this list there are addresses, when we select a city, only information will be shown concerning that city…
viewschange date format in datepicker-bootstrap
I am following the documentation but I can not change the format to the BR standard, follows below my codes: Loading css. and . js files into my template: <!-- DATAPICKER --> <link href='…
viewsBootstrap Collapse animation does not work
Good evening, I would like some help... I’m trying to use the Boostrap 3.3 Collapse in a row of a table, the code is like this: <table> <thead> <tr> <th>header</th>…
viewsList data in a table using ajax php and bootstrap
I am facing a lot of problems and doubts with ajax! Have the following function that updates the data and list in a table: function atualiza(){ $.ajax({ dataType: 'json', url: 'get_enderecos.php',…
viewsAlign controls with bootstrap
I have this view @{ ViewBag.Title = "ExcelFinancing"; Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml"; } <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="pt-br"> <head> <meta name="viewport"…
viewsContent written on a responsive button
I have a bootstrap Collapse which is the following already modified code. <div class="card"> <div class="card-header" id="headingOne"> <h5 class="mb-0"> <button class="btn…
viewsSave contents of a Textarea to a file . txt and display them again when updating the page
I’m finishing a HTML to assist me in the tasks of my service, in one of the sessions, I intend to make several "Quick Note Blocks", where I enter a short text and this will be saved in a file txt.…
viewsI’m trying to customize my bootstrap template but there are no changes to the page
I’m in visual studio working on ASP.NET-MVC and I have a bootstrap template for my website. I wanted to add a blurred background image to my login page. I put this code in the css file: bg.wallpaper…
viewsHow to make the bootstrap3 icon transparent with white edges?
The icon looks like this at the moment -> And I want him to stay that way ->>> <nav> <a id="contato_link" [routerLink]="['/admin']"> <span class="glyphicon…
viewspresent data except successfully for user!
I would like to present a message on the screen as soon as user save the data, I’m wanting an Alert of those that is in the link below, follow the code:…
viewsClose a modal BOOSTRAP and open another one then?
1: I would like, in my registration modal, to click on the link "Already have account? LOGIN" the registration modal if you close and open the login modal, since the bootstrap does not allow 2 open…
bootstrap-3asked 5 years, 3 months ago Weslley Filipe 23 -
viewsAlign button underneath CSS
I am using the bootstrap, however, when I put buttons next to the labeled fields, it is aligned on top, as I do to put it to be aligned below? <div class="box"> <div class="box-body">…
viewsCentralize login and password fields
So, I’m making a login system with Bootstrap (learning) and I ended up not being able to leave the Login and Password fields centralized, I managed before but entering a left: 40%, but it ends up…
viewsChange DIV order to mobile with Bootstrap
In my example, I am using Bootstrap to change the order of DIV between PC and Mobile. Is there any more elegant (correct) way to do it without having to replicate the DIV code? <div…
bootstrap-3asked 4 years, 7 months ago felipearon 715 -
viewsPositioning of a div
Good Night, I’m creating a website and I wanted to make a layout as if it were chess, a black div next to a white and down the other side, the only problem is that when decreasing to cell was to be…
viewsI made a Carousel of several images next to each other that is not responsive on smaller screens
So I was putting together a project where I made a Carousel with vehicle brands where I use four images on each slide, which on the computer screen is right but when you go through the phone to view…
viewsHow to position elements outside the container using bootstrap?
in my example I need to put an image out The code is like this <div class="img-mobile"> <img src="{{asset('assets/front/img/contato/jeep-img.jpg')}}" alt="Imagem do carro Jeep"> /*aqui a…
viewsHow to make a trasnparente form with bootstrap?
I wanted to put together a transparent form, like the photo example
viewsImage exiting outside the div at the top and footer
How do I create a border div and position an image with a discount value above that div coming out of it and just below it centralized a button in the middle of the div as the attached image;…
viewsTake value from a cell in jquery
This button has an ONCLICK event that calls a function. Theoretically, it is already in a line, it would only need the VALUE of a cell. Obs: Addresses is the ID of tbody and the TEST is the CELULA…
viewsChange color of tabs by selecting tabs
Friends, I have these tabs, I’ve tried some css codes to leave a background color in tabs, but when I use the codes it changes the entire background, I want to change only the color of the tab that…
viewsHow to know which select option was selected after opening the modal?
I am using the routine below to work with various options of the same modal, this is the correct way to do? $(document).ready(function () { $("#btnok").on("click", function () {…
viewsThumbnail in bootstrap 4
Can anyone tell me why "thumbnail" doesn’t work on bootstrap 4? I am learning bootstrap better, but the course I caught you doing with version 3.3.7, I had to download it because some codes were not…
viewsProblems with bootstrap responsiveness
I’m developing a project, but I’m having problems with responsiveness issues, when the site changes to different screens like: mobile phones, tablets and other devices. It breaks all your layout,…
viewsHow to change the width of the modal bootstrap?
Analyze the image below; You notice that the number field is cut because the modal form needs a larger width, I made these attempts below, but without success. This is my page; <form> <div…
viewsIs there any way to separate this file and call by ids
Galera good morning I am working on a survey program in php, I need to separate the id of a question, example take the id of the first question and relate to the second. Example 1st question How you…
viewsBootstrap tooltip floating on the page at random
How are you guys, all right? There is a recurring problem with bootstrap TOOLTIP, which does not disappear after removing the mouse and if you scroll the page it goes to the corner of the page as in…
viewscreating shopping affection using jquery
**so I’m making a shopping cart and I’m with the following poblema as you can see the low,when I have only one item in the cart I can add with button + and remove with button - *? **the poblema…
viewsDDD + CSS phone
I’m setting up a register, and on it I need to put a DDD field and next to the phone, to stay this way: Bootstrap version: 3.3.7 In the documentation exists the form-inline, but it not as expected.…