Is it possible to use min, max and step in CSS?


Viewed 76 times


I have an input like number with a min and the max in HTML. it is possible to use this min, max and the step in the CSS?

<input class=input_number id=delai type=number min=1 max=10 step=2 name=delai required />

In CSS, something like this:

#delai{ min:1;max:10;step:2}
  • 4

    This is not a function of CSS. CSS is used for the visual formatting of a document and not to explicitly add functionality. Other tools undertake this type of modification (for example javascript)

2 answers


As already mentioned, CSS does not serve to define values but to define formatting, the visual aspect of the element.

You can however use Javascript for this purpose.

Example with jQuery

$(document).ready(function() {
    "min": 2,
    "max": 10,
    "step": 2
<script src=""></script>
<input id="delay" type="number" min="0" max="100" step="5" />

Example with Javascript

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {

  var meuCampo = document.getElementById("delay");

  meuCampo.min = 2;
  meuCampo.max = 10;
  meuCampo.step = 2;

}, false);
<input id="delay" type="number" min="0" max="100" step="5" />

Note: If the idea is to define a certain CSS formatting based on the attribute value, you can see the solution in the @Iago Correia Guimarães.


you cannot change the attribute value of an element with css but you can define the style of a given element by its value using the date attribute of html. Example:

<input id="delai" type="number" data-min="1" />

and in css:

#delai[data-min='1']{ seu estilo aqui }

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